Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual
Testing with the real time examples.

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Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual Testing with the real time examples...

Answer / padma

A testcase is nothing but a document that explains what
functionality we are going to test.It includes
testcaseid,testcase description, test data,expected result
and the actual result

Eg:If u want to check for username accepts only alphabets

testcaseid: any id for eg: username_1
testcase description: check for valid username
test data: username='sdsdsd'
expected result: accepted
actual result : actually how application response to the
given data is written here

(above details should be in table format)

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Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual Testing with the real time examples...

Answer / ajisha

Test cases is nothing but some set of procedures to be
followed for testing the client requirement. we have two
types of test cases. 1. field level test case 2. functional
level test case. For example, in user login page we have to
check user name and pass word. we had some business rules
for user name in RTM. using this business rule we check the
username field.

The template of the test case contains
1. Test case ID
2. Summary
3. Description
4. Test data
5. Expected result
6. Actual Result
8. Status

the template of the test case is varies company to company

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Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual Testing with the real time examples...

Answer / vaidyanathan

Hi all..

Testcase is nothing but How we are going to test an
application. It should be in simple english , so that even
the school students also should understand and execute it.

Example: Befor you going to buy a pen what ae all the steps
you ll do:
1)First thing you ll open th cap and try to close it.
2)You ll write in a paper , so that , the next page should
not observe the ink.
3)You ll see the refill, is it fully filed it or not.
4)You ll check the ink in the refill should not leak..

These are some testcases for pe. We ll maintain a separate
sheet with templates(followed by respective companies)and
execute it...

Thanks & Brgds,

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Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual Testing with the real time examples...

Answer / manohar

Testcase is nothing but idea of a Test Engineer based on
the requirements.

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Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual Testing with the real time examples...

Answer / senthilnathan j

A testcase is nothing but a document that explains what
functionality we are going to test.It includes
testcaseid,name of the component being tested,What to
test,Setup steps,How to Test, expected result
, the actual result and the analayst name.

Test Case Id : 1
Name of the Component : MODULA00
What to Test : Get the policy # that are present in all
Path Files.
Setup Steps: Run MODULA00
How to Test : Policy # = 0123456
Expected Result:
Actual Result:
Date Executed:
Analyst Name:

Please let me know if i am wrong.

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Could anyone let me how to write test cases in Manual Testing with the real time examples...

Answer / balu kalkur

Testcase Is Nothing but It Covers all possible
Scenarios...So it will helps when any test engineer left the
job new one vcan understand the application.

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