Mechanical Engineering Interview Questions
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What is the difference between torque and moment?. is there any difference between pressure ans stress?.


6 9802

Stress will produce strain or will strain produce stress?. How do you explain?.


4 14978

Two pumps connected in series , what will be the shape of QH curve ?. What will be the shape if they are in parallel.

Ferrari, IGCAR,

1 2561

Why stainless steel is corrosion resistant?. What is stress corrosion cracking?.

Dr Reddys, IGCAR, Reddy Labs,

6 9299

How will you size a pipe?. What is Darcy's formula?. From where you will get friction factor "f" ?. In darcy formula substitute f = 16/Re and now you see hf proportional to V instead of V square. How do you explain?.

IGCAR, Tekfen,


What is Natural frequency of Vibration?. Imagine a circular disk of radius 'r' is oscillating inside a Semi circular ring of radius 'R', how will you find natural frquency of the system?.

College School Exams Tests, IGCAR, Super Max,

2 13027

What is critical pressure ?. What will happen if water is heated above critical pressure and temperature?. What importance it is having related to Boiler?. Upto what presrure natural circulation is possible in Boilers?.

Honda, IGCAR,


Steering handle (round dial) of motor vehicles (CAR,BUS,LORRY) wiil be designing with two cross supports without 180 degree straightness( it will be little bit cross). Why?


bearings types

5 6932

I am doing 3rd year mechanical engineering. I want to place in good mechanical engineering core company. So please guide me how to prepare for interviews, and what can i do for placed in good company?


tell me the example of cam in daily use

2 3324

previous question papers for group 2


what is the difference between impact force and sudden force? pls give any example.


dQ-dW=1 which of the law is obeyed by the equation

Hero Honda,

6 11327

How many volts required to fire spark plug.

19 19259

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Un-Answered Questions { Mechanical Engineering }

When we are calculating the heat load sheets,why we are not considering the heat developed from the blood in the human body.Also both men & women can't acess aircondition in same way..women feel too cool even at 22 degree,while men can overcome that.


What type welding electrode is used to weld chrome?


Why centrifugal pump is not called as a positive displacement type of pump?


dear sir i m anshul kumar from dehradun i want to last five year railway chandigarh and allahabd entrance exam papers pls send it on my id my id is or i shall be very greatful to u thank u


What is the maximum P-max for a cylinder in M/E.


How to calculate IKW (inputkilowatt) ie.. efficiency of a airconditioning chiller plant capacity of 310TR


Explain working of a fourneyron turbine?


which fit is this 177-S6?


Why is over-pressurizing an air conditioning system bad?


can any one pls refer me any sites which have notes regarding Body-in-white(welding fixtures)...pls


Explain the difference between the points of inflexion and contraflexure?


How can I weld A234 WPB and WPB P11 fitting? Any special heat treatment required? What happen if I weld both?


can i get Mahagenco sample question paper?


Please tell me the difference between EN31 and OHNS material.


. how will effect of water injection on turbine load and corresponding MW output(not water washing)