Civil Engineering Interview Questions
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in design case of structural member best suitrable percentage of steel limit is what



can you provide a link for manual design of building?


What is the PH value for domestic water supply

1 1936

What should be the PH value of water for irrigation purpose

1 1998

Soil will be infertile , When PH value of water will be A] 11 B] 10 C] 9.5

1 1686

The Instrument used to determine colour of water is called A] Turbidimeter B] osmoscope C] Barometer

1 5623

Instrument used for determining PH of water

1 1911

internal dia of sewer pipe should not be less than A] 15 cm B ] 20 cm C ] 25 cm

2 2100

minimum dia of manhole cover should be A] 50 cm B ] 100 cm C ] 75 cm

1 8128

cement mortor 1:5 for 30 m2 12 mm tk plastering so how to calcualte its rate


how to calculate 1:5:8 ratio concrete cement, sand, metal and water please give me brief calculation


What is thumb rule in quantity and cost estimation of a residential building in civil engineering??

Ascent Constructions,


What is thumb rule in quality and quantity estimation of a Residential building??

Ascent Constructions,


What is thumb rule in quantity and cost estimation of a residential building?

Ascent Constructions,


How many days should curing of plastering, brick work and concrete


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how much one carpenter can doing shuttering of slab in one day


How to calculate brick work quantity?? Block work quantity??


How to calculate the cement consumption in RR Masonry in CM 1:8 for the foundation of Ground Level Reservoir


1:4:8 pcc calculation 591 cu.ft


what is the cost differene of a same structure when it is constructed with brick masonary, and when it is constructed with concrete as a frame structure.????????


asubmerged weir is one in which the water level on the down stream side of the weir is just at the crest level below the crest level above the crest level at stamp elevation as water surface on upstream


How do you measure concrete?


Dear Engineers, Can you please advise me the material requirement to construct a room 4 M x 4 M 1. No. of Standard Brick 2. Requirement of Cement Bags 3. And Concrete for Steel, Cement, sand, etc Thanks


what are the five benefits of using standard terminology in the measurement process?


How did the romans get water up hills using aqua ducts?


how many BSCs can i connect to the HUAWEI MSC


explain what do you mean by the property development.


What is the difference between tor steel and tmt steel?


what is the amount of absorption of slurry in shuttering ply board. what is the amount of slurry leakage allowed for 1 m3 of concrete.


20mm thick sand face plaster on walls consisting of 12 mm the backing coat of c.m.(1:3)and 8mm thick finished coat of c.m.(1:1)including scaffolding, watering, finishing etc complete please calculator with methyl et et r u