Botany Interview Questions
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What are the a Xerosere on Bare Rock ?

1 3988

What are the Herbaceous stage ?

2 5390

WHICH FAMILY DOES pomegranate belong to?

2 5097

You have been provided with a set of plates of fungi isolated from a diseased leaf, one Chytridiomycota, one Zygomycota, one Ascomycota and one Basidiomycota. The signs of infection indicate that the disease has been caused by a member of Ascomycota which does not form a sexual stage easily. What features would you look for in your isolates to indicate if the target fungus was present?


What are the hyphal features of Ascomycota?

1 3429

In cleared and stained root material you have seen structures that appear to be empty sacs in the epidermal cells with ostioles that exit to the soil. Which division are these fungi likely to be from?


A sexual spore is formed in a culture from a single isolate. An attachment is found on either side of a sac- like structure, which encloses the spore. Which division does the fungus come from?

1 2700

Toxin X is released only in mature spores of a single fungus and only when both alleles at a single locus are present. The toxin is never observed when the alleles are together in hyphae or modified hyphae. What division is the fungus found in?



How microwave influences seed germination?

1 2703

what is the difference between corn and maize?

2 6572

How can we extract chlorophyll from green leaves?

1 3106

what is the branch of botany that deals with study of economically important plants?

2 3881

What causes sap to leak out of pine and maple trees?


why do leaves gets brown or red in the fall?

1 2934

If you break off a piece of an aloe plant and put it in water, will roots grow and What is that type of propagation called?


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Un-Answered Questions { Botany }

what is Mineralcrisis?


Do all vascular plants develop annual rings?


what is the non-congruent principle?


which side of a tree does moss grow?


what are the advantages of nitrogen and phosphorus in plant fertilizers?


How is double fertilisation present in some gymosperms when it is a characteristic of angiosperms?


Describe the grafting in jasmine tree?


How are hormone levels regulated in plants?


What is pure botany? What is applied botany?


What is the chemical process that takes place for leaves to change colour?


How do moss and lichen affect the ecosystem?


What is a sepal?


In cleared and stained root material you have seen structures that appear to be empty sacs in the epidermal cells with ostioles that exit to the soil. Which division are these fungi likely to be from?


Explain about adiantum andina?


Is epiphyte succession influenced more by autogenic (i.e. competition, facilitation) or allogenic factors?