ERRORS Interview Questions
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PLS-00352: Unable to access another database 'string'

1 9332

PLS-00353: 'string' must name a user in the database

1 2388

PLS-00354: username must be a simple identifier

1 2216

PLS-00355: use of pl/sql table not allowed in this context

1 8591

PLS-00356: 'string' must name a table to which the user has access

1 4032

PLS-00357: Table,View Or Sequence reference 'string' not allowed in this context

2 8798

PLS-00358: column 'string' exists in more than one table; use qualifier

1 6419

PLS-00359: assignment target in 'string' must have components

1 2024

PLS-00360: cursor declaration without body needs return type

1 8455

PLS-00361: IN cursor 'string' cannot be OPEN'ed

1 6797

PLS-00362: invalid cursor return type; 'string' must be a record type

1 2828

PLS-00363: expression 'string' cannot be used as an assignment target

1 5579

PLS-00364: loop index variable 'string' use is invalid

1 12659

PLS-00366: subtype of a NOT NULL type must also be NOT NULL

1 2771

PLS-00367: a RAISE statement with no exception name must be inside an exception handler

1 4497

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

How to resolve QSM-01108 error. I have no OR conditions in my query, but do have 9 IN conditions. The error says the max limit is 2 while I have 257 number of disjuncts. However, if I remove even a single IN condition, the query is rewritten. I cannot change my query. How can I resolve this issue?


How to create a program that lists countries capitals when country is entered? (Terribly sorry, I'm a complete novist to coding with C, am looking for inspiration and general tips on how to code and create this program.)


what is new g/l functionality


For pH-4 calculation it is subtracted from the previous pH7 buffer value is the same procedure to be followed for calculation of remaining buffers??


What is Mutex error in Triggers?


IMP-00063: Warning: Skipping table "string"."string" because object type "string"."string" cannot be created or has different identifier


How will you Handle Error in SQL SERVER 2008?


I-series. When I use: qtp DICTIONARY(PDMZZ) AUTO (*LIBL/MFR0120X)I get the error: *E* Can't open the file specified on the AUTO program parameter. File of different type already exists. When I use it auto without *libl ,qtp DICTIONARY(PDMZZ) AUTO (MFR0120X), it works fine


I want singal maintainer(iii& ii) solved question paper in every year in every board in rrb. If you collect these and sent these my mail-id i shall very grateful to you.


Any body can tel me how to display a Frame Link of a page in Another Frame? For Clearance of my dought..... I designed a BSP page with 3 frames as shown below. -------------------------------- | | | Frame 1 | | | -------------------------------- | Frame 2 | Frame 3 | | | | | Link 1 | | | Link 2 | | | Link 3 | | | | | -------------------------------- Now in Frame 1 i displayed one page.. And in Frame 2 i displayed one page with some links. Now when i clicked on any Link in Frame 2 that corresponding Page has to display in Frame 3. In general HTML i know...But in BSP i don't know that much since i am new to this... plz any solutions...thanks a lot.... Regards, Shankar.


IMP-00070: Lob definitions in dump file are inconsistent with database.


ORA-26032: index string.string loading aborted after string keys


ORA-26095: unprocessed stream data exists


quoroum of computer languages?


I have written the code as below. here problem is that dt remain null. how to solve thst please tell me. public partial class Form1 : Form { private DataTable DTable; private DataRow drow; public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private OleDbConnection getConnection() { OleDbConnection con=new OleDbConnection (@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\winApp for Student\winApp for Student\App_Data\SchooMgnSystem.mdb;Persist Security Info=True"); return con; } private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { InsertData(); } private void InsertData() { if (DTable==null) { DTable = new DataTable(); DTable.Columns.Add("StudID", typeof(string)); DTable.Columns.Add("StudName", typeof (string)); DTable.Columns.Add("Address", typeof(string)); drow = DTable.NewRow(); drow[0] = txtStudID.Text; drow[1] = txtSTudName.Text; drow[2] = txtAddress.Text; DTable.Rows.Add(drow); grdStudent.DataSource = DTable; } else { drow = DTable.NewRow(); drow[0] = txtStudID.Text; drow[1] = txtSTudName.Text; drow[2] = txtAddress.Text; DTable.Rows.Add(drow); grdStudent.DataSource = DTable; } } private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string cmdstr; OleDbCommand cmd; OleDbConnection con = getConnection(); foreach (DataRow Drow in DTable.Rows) { cmdstr = "Insert into Student values('" + drow[0].ToString() + "','" + drow[1].ToString() + "','"+drow [2].ToString()+"')"; cmd = new OleDbCommand(cmdstr,con); try { con.Open(); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { con.Close(); } } }