ERRORS Interview Questions
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ORA-06734: TLI Driver: cannot connect

1 2430

ORA-06735: TLI Driver: client failed to close error conn

1 2527

ORA-06736: TLI Driver: server not running

1 2482

ORA-06737: TLI Driver: connection failed

1 2340

ORA-06741: TLI Driver: unable to open protocol device

1 2299

ORA-06742: TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_bind

1 2553

ORA-06743: TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_bind

1 2617

ORA-06744: TLI Driver: listener cannot bind

1 2513

ORA-06745: TLI Driver: listener already running

1 2412

ORA-06746: TLI Driver: cannot alloc t_call

1 2540

ORA-06747: TLI Driver: error in listen

1 2653

ORA-06748: TLI Driver: cannot allocate t_discon

1 2714

ORA-06749: TLI Driver: option not allowed across network

1 2126

ORA-06750: TLI Driver: sync failed

1 2685

ORA-06751: TLI Driver: bound addresses unequal

1 2514

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

hi all, I am in the process of learning qtp. i havve windows vista in my system whenever i try to run flight reservation application , i am getting the following error "Operation must use an updateable query Fractional truncation (null) . And am unable to open Mercury tours web application due to some other error Can anyone help me please


What is the difference between return code and completion code. When i was searching in the direct for the problem, the following errors displayed. Please can any1 explain these. Completion Code => 4 Message Id => XXDR012I Short Text => XDR field overflow. Key=SER. Len=8. Completion Code => 8 Message Id => XSQF009I Short Text => Sys call open() failed.Filename=/opt/apps/cdt3/USA/outbound/CD810O.errno=17. Completion Code => 8 Message Id => XCPR010I Short Text => Open failed for copy in OPEN_DEST_DATA. Errno=17. can you explain those 3 completion codes and also with difference between return code and completion code


java.sql.SQLException:Invalid state, the statement object is closed Hai all i got this error when i am multiple times referesh web page


ORA-26030: index string.string had string partitions made unusable due to:


Any body can tel me how to display a Frame Link of a page in Another Frame? For Clearance of my dought..... I designed a BSP page with 3 frames as shown below. -------------------------------- | | | Frame 1 | | | -------------------------------- | Frame 2 | Frame 3 | | | | | Link 1 | | | Link 2 | | | Link 3 | | | | | -------------------------------- Now in Frame 1 i displayed one page.. And in Frame 2 i displayed one page with some links. Now when i clicked on any Link in Frame 2 that corresponding Page has to display in Frame 3. In general HTML i know...But in BSP i don't know that much since i am new to this... plz any solutions...thanks a lot.... Regards, Shankar.


hp asking for replication floppy to do reinstall 25254 server assistant


Write down the difference between c. Loop and goto statement d. (!0) and (!1) e. (1= =! 1) and (1!=1) f. NULL and !NULL


When you get following error? Error 3154: The backup set holds a backup of a database other than the existing database.


Program ended with error or warning, return code: 4


who have build this website?


I am Recording the QTP Script..the Script is below VbWindow("mdiPP").VbWindow("frmPOSOLocking").ActiveX ("SSTab").VbListView("lstPO").SetItemState "272 [10-11]", micChecked. After when when Run then give error property not found.


ORA-16516: The current state is invalid for the attempted operation.


I'm having trouble with coming up with the correct code. Thank You!! The assignment was to write a program using string functions that accepts a price of an item and displays its coded value. The base of the keys: X C O M P U T E R S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample I/O Dialogue: Enter Price: 489.50 Coded Value: PRS.UX


when will we use lsmw , bdc and bapi? which will be easy to use and which is used for which type of data


//jobname positional parms,keyword parms,.... Restart=step3 //.. //.. //.. //step3 exec=xxxx //... //step4 exec=yyyy,cond=(0,Le,step3) //.. //step5 exec=zzzz Restart =step 3 executes step3.Step 3 gives some return code.In step 4,the test is passed as 0 is less than step 3.So step 4 is bypassed and is not executed. and the program is responsible for issuing the return code that was not even loaded in the main storage. The result: no return code can exist In the steps that follow any test of COND parameter tat attempts to interrogate this non-existent return code will be ignored . Step 5 will be e executed. IN THIS EXAMPLE WHAT DOES XXXX YYYY ZZZZ MEAN?? PLEASE CAN ANYONE SAY...