ERRORS Interview Questions
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ORA-30135: OCI Thread operation fails

1 3582

ORA-30150: Invalid argument passed to OCIFile function

1 2248

ORA-30151: File already exists

1 2005

ORA-30152: File does not exist

1 2325

ORA-30153: An invalid File Object is passed to the OCIFile function

1 1976

ORA-30154: The memory address given as buffer for OCIFileRead/Write is invalid

1 2088

ORA-30155: An I/O Error occured during an OCIFile function call

1 2064

ORA-30156: Out of disk space

1 2523

ORA-30157: An invalid argument was given to operating system call

1 2713

ORA-30158: The OCIFileWrite causes the file to exceed the maximum allowed size

1 2167

ORA-30159: OCIFileOpen: Cannot create the file or cannot open in the requested mode

1 2138

ORA-30160: Unable to access the file

1 1931

ORA-30161: A system error occurred during the OCIFile function call

1 2130

ORA-30162: The OCIFile context is not initialzed

1 2283

ORA-30163: The thread safety initialization failed

1 2232

Un-Answered Questions { ERRORS }

I am Recording the QTP Script..the Script is below VbWindow("mdiPP").VbWindow("frmPOSOLocking").ActiveX ("SSTab").VbListView("lstPO").SetItemState "272 [10-11]", micChecked. After when when Run then give error property not found.


i have SAP B1 in my work area When i am try to hold the particular item the following ERRORS display in my System (This entry already exists in the following tables '' (AIT1) (ODBC -2035) [Message 131-183])


Answers for Complete This Song B_C_A_A _IL K_A KA_E, S__AN J__E B__D_ J__E


hai i got one error i,e http status 404 error what is ds why ds is comming


I would like to if there is any vb script to populate my values in the application.Example i will input the data in two 2 rows a & b.I need script where the data in a or b have to populate in my application if my a = nothing and b = 1 or a = 1 or b = nothing.I would be glab if someone can help me here.




mount: mount to NFS server failed: System Error: Connection timed out


What severity level errors are managed in TRY-CATCH block?


ORA-26029: index string.string partition string initially in unusable state


ORA-26094: stream format error: input column overflow


Hi guys, I have four tables those are emp,dept,eliminate and uneliminate. i wrote small cursor..when i run, it display one error (ORA-01403 nodata found)... The query is: Declare cursor c1 is select e.ename emp_name from emp e,dept d where e.deptno=d.deptno group by deptno; r1 c1%rowtype; test_emp varchar2(200); begin for r1 in c1 loop begin select eliminate_emp into test_emp from eliminate t,uneliminate ut where t.number=ut.number and t.deptno=e.deptno and rownum<1; end; dbms_output.put_line(r1.emp_name); end loop; end; Thanks...


what is new g/l functionality


hi all, I am in the process of learning qtp. i havve windows vista in my system whenever i try to run flight reservation application , i am getting the following error "Operation must use an updateable query Fractional truncation (null) . And am unable to open Mercury tours web application due to some other error Can anyone help me please


In .net how many error will occur?


IMG-02003: 2FF03 - incorrect color histogram feature specification