QTP Interview Questions
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what kind of frame work you used in your last project?



How can we use regular expressions for a table in web page, each cell in table having unique identification, Now I want to count number of rows in table and enter data in all cells of the table?


1 3066

What are the automation metrice in your project?



There is a very good institute for Automation Testing using QTP.For more details please visit jbslearnings.com.

1 2439

QTP -object reposistory spy tool is not able to spy the pop up message appearing in the application, so how is that i can handle such run time pop ups in QTP by code???


2 6541

what is Smart identification


1 3392

HOW TO AUTOMATE CAPCHA IMAGES while creating Gmail account


2 4811

hi in real time who will execute the qtp test scripts? my faculty said, in a companty automation testers are written the test scripts and manual testers are execute the test scripts...IS IT RIGHT OR NOT?

2 2868

write script for , launching fr window,login and create 5 elements array and store 5 order numbers inthat array? and open order by using order no.s in array and find out maximum tickets booked by which order?


1 3568

i am trying to automate yatra.com,in that site, when i go to automate the Leaving from field showing as a WEBEDIT, but when i enter 1 or 2 char, it displaying dropdownlist, i try to use keyboard automation to select the item from that list but it is not possible, can anybody help he. Thans for posting the Answer



what is flag=0 in qtp tool.. i am strugglin to use flag function , exactly when it is used , any real time expert pls explain clearly?

1 9585

Suppose there is a link present somewhere in an excel sheet. Find the link and click on it. How to write a script using Excel application object in QTP?

1 6382

why can't you use excel directly in qtp. why we want to import excel data into Datatable.


1 3653

Am going to QTP testing......but i dont know coding languages like (c,c++,java,etc)and am not having interest in coding .............can i choose testing tools like qtp to learn and get a job in software......please reply me

1 2318

am not having intrest in coding lang like c c++ java etc can i choose Testing tools as my carrier and please suggest me which tool is good (suitable for me)


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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

How do you capture tooltip using QTP?


I am in .Net development for past 3.5 years and want to enter in to automated testing and learn QTP. For this I need some good tutorial for beginners. I will be really greatful if any one has and they can send it to me on this address- ruchidureja@gmail.com


Can the user toggle between using Local OR and shared OR for the same action?


Can an action have 2 shared object repositories associated with them? In that case, if two of them contain the same object, which one will be considered?


In QTP can we feed the out of one browser(internet explorer) as an input to the another browser(mozilla firefox)? If yes explain how to do it with an example.


what is the difference between built-i function and In-built function?


i want information about API testing and i want info like how process can be done in company? i want added info like coding ,debugging, desing in c.v ? what should add in c.v for eg banking domin? pls any answer my question?


what is the diff b/w assistive and mandatary rules of object repository in QTP???


How to sendKeys in QTP? Diff b/w sendkeys and device replay? Diff b/w function and Sub? Diff b/w Array and List Different Types of running Keys other than Fast, slow,Normal mode Regular expression for http://newtours.demoaut.com Difference between \w and \W How to generate script button Recording Types Different Types of Actions? Using DP performance degrades, If Yes why? How to close all the opened browsers? Diff b/w SystemUtil.Run and invoke application? If qtp not recognized the combo box How to select values from drop down?


When Recovery scenario actually starts while testing the application?


How to use debug tools?


What is a quick test professional?


how to compare two bitmaps( 1. clients requirement & 2. Designed by dev) in qtp 8.2 wann clear steps


What is the use of defining a newobject in the object repository "Define New TestOject". How to use this further. If we define new testobject, how can it recognizes the objects properties of any application.


How to find the difference between 2 dates in qtp?