QTP Interview Questions
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I am trying to install QTP 9.5 but i am getting error message saying that ("Path is \QuickTest Professional\bin\vb_init.exe") vb_init.exe file is not find. can anybody give me the advise what to do ?


hi, In A Table there are some columns and dynamic rows and in each row in first column there is a link with name. upon clicking on that link it will show some details. write the vbscript to check that link without descriptive programming?


2 11993

what is framework and types of framework? Need of framework in automation? write folder strucuture of framework.


3 6047

How do you invoke any application and write a script to invoke QTP using VB Script.


2 11097

How do you test the text displayed in the header portion of times of india epaper. Hot news(banner) are scrolling in the top of the page, how do you test using QTP?


How do you test the different ads displayed in the Inbox home page of Yahoo. Once u login Yahoo mail, in inbox page there will a banner, where different ads are scrolling, how do you test that using qtp?

2 4262

explain qtp framework by taking an example?

3 16010

Hi there, I've installed a trial version of QTP to see if it works with my product but I cant automate selecting windows from a tree view? Can anyone give me any pointers? Many Thanks


I am Facing Issues with learing datepicker 1)when i first learn datepicker as current system date . 2)if i wanna runtime datepicker value it gives error


Some time when i wanna learn the object i face issue like i am not able learn the object in proper manner... eg:for text bo on web page it should learn as webedit but some times it reads as winobject:internetexpoler-server, because of this i have to uninstall the qtp and re-install it again when i do this it reads the object perfectly.....plz suggest the soln


Hi. please provide license key for QTP 9.2, I have windows XP on my machine Thanks in Advance, moreshwar


i've installed qtp9.2 on Windows 7. Recording and everything no problem. But when i am saving the test, it is not happening. it says 'general error while saving'. But teh test is getting saved but as a folder with lock icon. When i wanted to open it, it is jst showing as a locked folder but not as a test. Somebody help me out plz

1 4319

A web page has two butons with same properties and rotating in clockwise direction. how to click on any of the button?


2 10112

A web page title might be xxxx@xyz.com or xxxy@xxx.co or xyz@abc.in.Using what mandatory properties can be the page identified.Give the regular expression for that.


3 15131

A dialog is diplays " Transaction 254689 has been successfully completed" How to get the transaction ID from the message ?


6 14178

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

Define Canvas view of UFT?


How you calling actions in qtp?


How qtp identifies objects?


How to define array in qtp?


What is the short cut keys for the following?


how to use the QTP choose the data from oracle? e.g. i input the identity card NO. this will be add new record in the database ,and now i want get this record's prime key.


What is fragmentation and paging?


What is the keyword view and expert view in qtp?


How will you check a web application for broken links using qtp?


Can you list some technologies that support qtp?


What are the differences between table and db checkpoints?


Hi Friendss..., can any body help me.. 1. Tell me your achievements(Technically)..? 2. Tell me your strengths(Technically) and weakness(Technical)..? 3. Why are you looking for change..?


How many ways is to parameterize the value?


what is the mail use of frame work(with detail). architecture for keyword driven frame work


Hi we are running tests remotely from quality center and pushing tests into qtp boxes remotely, and it does execution but while uploading results back into quality center it hangs in qtp box.If any one come across similar problem, please send me details how to handle this. Thanks kris