QTP Interview Questions
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What is difference between QTP 8.2 Obect Repository and QTP 9.2 object Repository?


2 4053

How do you connect to database ,What is the script to connect DATA BASE?


2 5818

For Data-Driven testing can you use micro soft word document instead of using Datatable what is your approach?



What is difference between Quality centre and Test Director?


1 3579

What is diff between SDLC AND STLC?


1 4608

I want to do Certification course in QTP. For this I request you to suggest the best Tutorial in PDF format, and also tell me the best institute and the estimate cost for joining the institute ib delhi NCR. Hence, if possible, kinldy mail PDF file to my mail-ID: kumar123.pathak@gmail.com , Regards, kumar pathak


Can we directly start working with QTP without any knowledge on WinRunner? (After getting trsining on QTP)

1 3437

What does "Dynamic change on web pages" means.As per my knowledge, this comes in "Complete" level of Active screen capture levels, where it says, "Also dynamic changes on web changes are saved.so i want to know what type of dynamic changes are made and is this dyanmic changes efftes only on web application or any other?



Among the 3 Recoring modes,Standard, Analog and Low Level. which one is mostly used. I know that Analog id used for Graphs, Digital Signatures and Barcoding. so, which one among the 2?

1 3354

Among the 4 capture levels, Complete, Partial, Minimal, None. which one is mostly used?

1 7583

What does ".mst" stands for? (abc.mst)


3 7952

How to create an Action Template?

1 4217

Can anyone tell me about "Step- By Step Paramterization". among the two paramaterizations, Step by step and Parameterize All, which one is mostly used.


What is a Run Time Data table?

1 3237

Which version of QTP is using by companies nowadays?

4 6107

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

how to disable the pop ups through QTP using a script


What is 'sleep' in sync point?


How Can I find the least value in a bunch of variables using qtp.. E.g.:- A = 210, B = 212, C = 60, D = 111 I don’t want to write bunch of lines for this…. Is there a way to get the result in one line…..


write the vb script for call to new action in qtp?


Step 3&4 are repeated until an the object in recognised uniquely.


Can we run test with out adding object in object repository? How it is possible?


What is action? How many types of actions are there in qtp?


What is an optional step in qtp ?


I had installed QTP 9.2. It is working fine but whenever I open QTP, it is trying to reinstall the below-mentioned files again and again "QTP92PS82UPGRADE.exe", "recogn.dll". If anybody has these files, please provide those files in this site or you can send that files to my mail id also (lravi4u@yahoo.com). If you don't know where the files will be in the QTP, search in the QTP software CD or path of QTP program installed (C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTest Professional)


Explain process of smart Identification in QTP?


How to test background color and dynamic images during run time can you put the check point for moving objects?


How did you resolve conflicts present in Object Repository?


Explain building blocks of the bpt framework ?


What is test object?


give me an example where u used good judgement and logic in solving a problem