QTP Interview Questions
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How we test the logo or images in the web page using QTP? For example take google page, they change their logo for new year,christmas etc..How we test that? Plz answer this question... Thanks in advance..

2 6179

can we create recorset with out using database connection in vbscript?

CSS, CSS Corp,

1 4890

How do you do batch testing in QTP, if so explain?

2 4544

What is Regular Expressions?

2 4412

What is DOM

2 4160

When Object Repository is available what is the necessity of having Descriptive programming which needs more scripting efforts.

3 3924

This is Ajay i have few douts if anybody know pls give me reply. 1. i have opend 2 gmails i am working with 1 gmail i want to close other gmail by usig script. 2.i have 10 links in a page all of them have same properties& names i want to click on 5link by using script. 3.i have one combobox in that i want to see all the citynames in the combobox and i have to check weather hyderabad is present or not. 4. size of objectrepository. 5.what r problems we get during writing the script. 6.is it possible to compare to excel sheets in qtp if possible wht is the script. 7.example for lowlevelrecording

Symantic Space,

3 5931

i'm using the qtp to test to vb appliction,i wanted to get the new application's title.i didn't want to use the winAPI to get it ,i 'd like to know whether a QTP function can do it. Eg: SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\.....","","","" 'run an application, and misure the application is activating,then how to get the hwn wihtout using windowns api


what is the script(qtp) to export and import the datas from MSaccess to Excel sheet.if anybody know plz tell me.

3 7783

i have opend 2 gmails i am working with 1 gmail i want to close other gmail by usig script. 2.i have 10 links in a page all of them have same properties& names i want to click on 5link by using script. 3.i have one combobox in that i want to see all the citynames in the combobox and i have to check weather hyderabad is present or not. 4. size of objectrepository. 5.what r problems we get during writing the script. 6.is it possible to compare to excel sheets in qtp if possible wht is the script. 7.example for lowlevelrecording

Semantic Space,

3 5574

I learned all the objects of my application in object repository thru English Language. now i want to use same object repository for other languages(French,Dutuch and Chinese)

TCS, Wipro,

1 4353

How can we merge two repositories? Can we merge two differnt rep. I mean 1is peraction and other shared

Tavant Technologies,

4 7547

How can we encrypt the username using recording mode in login window? There is 2 encrypted types what are it


1 5385

What is the main differece between QTP 9.0 and 9.2


1 5023

If QTP not recognizing using repository while executing, how can we go forward

3 5311

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Un-Answered Questions { QTP }

What is optional step in qtp? How you can add optional step in qtp?


How to create Reusable and Multiple Actions?


wht type of User defined functions or Java Releated functions Do we write in VB scripting


How to analyzing test results using quicktest professional (qtp)?


What is RTM (require ment tracebulity marix) fromate?


how can we do the frame work in qtp


how do we know whether all objects are stored in the object repository or not? how can we know if a particular object is not stored in the repository?


How to recognise the webelement and verifying that webelement is enabled?


Where you get the run time data table?


How to handle Java tree in QTP?


This is Karthic and my mail id is karthic.venkitapathi@gmail.com, please give me an idea to crack qtp 10


Explain the check points in quicktest professional?


What is test object model in quicktest professional (qtp)?


what is error and fault in terms of software quality?


What are the types of object repository?