C Code Interview Questions
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main() { char *cptr,c; void *vptr,v; c=10; v=0; cptr=&c; vptr=&v; printf("%c%v",c,v); }

1 10852

main() { char *str1="abcd"; char str2[]="abcd"; printf("%d %d %d",sizeof(str1),sizeof(str2),sizeof("abcd")); }

1 11408

main() { char not; not=!2; printf("%d",not); }

1 13421

#define FALSE -1 #define TRUE 1 #define NULL 0 main() { if(NULL) puts("NULL"); else if(FALSE) puts("TRUE"); else puts("FALSE"); }

1 8898

main() { int k=1; printf("%d==1 is ""%s",k,k==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"); }

1 15570

main() { int y; scanf("%d",&y); // input given is 2000 if( (y%4==0 && y%100 != 0) || y%100 == 0 ) printf("%d is a leap year"); else printf("%d is not a leap year"); }

1 4840

#define max 5 #define int arr1[max] main() { typedef char arr2[max]; arr1 list={0,1,2,3,4}; arr2 name="name"; printf("%d %s",list[0],name); }

1 10159

int i=10; main() { extern int i; { int i=20; { const volatile unsigned i=30; printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); } printf("%d",i); }

1 17594

main() { int *j; { int i=10; j=&i; } printf("%d",*j); }

HCL, Wipro,

9 18729

main() { int i=-1; -i; printf("i = %d, -i = %d \n",i,-i); }

1 4462

#include main() { const int i=4; float j; j = ++i; printf("%d %f", i,++j); }

1 7366

#include main() { int a[2][2][2] = { {10,2,3,4}, {5,6,7,8} }; int *p,*q; p=&a[2][2][2]; *q=***a; printf("%d..%d",*p,*q); }

1 12929

#include main() { register i=5; char j[]= "hello"; printf("%s %d",j,i); }

2 5188

main() { int i=5,j=6,z; printf("%d",i+++j); }

2 17885

struct aaa{ struct aaa *prev; int i; struct aaa *next; }; main() { struct aaa abc,def,ghi,jkl; int x=100; abc.i=0;abc.prev=&jkl; abc.next=&def; def.i=1;def.prev=&abc;def.next=&ghi; ghi.i=2;ghi.prev=&def; ghi.next=&jkl; jkl.i=3;jkl.prev=&ghi;jkl.next=&abc; x=abc.next->next->prev->next->i; printf("%d",x); }

1 5204

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How can you relate the function with the structure? Explain with an appropriate example.


write a simple calculator c program to perform addition, subtraction, mul and div.


can you use proc sql to manpulate a data set or would u prefer to use proc report ? if so why ? make up an example and explain in detail


Cluster head selection in Wireless Sensor Network using C programming language.


how to test pierrot divisor


Write a program to model an exploding firecracker in the xy plane using a particle system


Sir... please give some important coding questions asked by product companies..


I need your help, i need a Turbo C code for this problem.. hope u'll help me guys.? Your program will have a 3x3 array. The user will input the sum of each row and each column. Then the user will input 3 values and store them anywhere, or any location or index, temporarily in the array. Your program will supply the remaining six (6) values and determine the exact location of each value in the array. Example: Input: Sum of row 1: 6 Sum of row 2: 15 Sum of row 3: 24 Sum of column 1: 12 Sum of column 2: 15 Sum of column 3: 18 Value 1: 3 Value 2: 5 Value 3: 6 Output: Sum of Row 1 2 3 6 4 5 6 15 7 8 9 24 Sum of Column 12 15 18 Note: Your program will not necessary sort the walues in the array Thanks..


write a program for area of circumference of shapes


To Write a C program to remove the repeated characters in the entered expression or in entered characters(i.e) removing duplicates. String contains only lowercase characters ['a'-'z']


Develop a routine to reflect an object about an arbitrarily selected plane


#include int main(void) { int a=4, b=2; a=b<>2 ; printf("%d",a); return 0; }


How to palindrom string in c language?


how to programme using switch statements and fuctions, a programme that will output two even numbers, two odd numbers and two prime numbers of the users chioce.


A program that will create a movie seat reservation. The program will display the summary seats and its status. The user will be ask what seat no. to be reserved, then it will go back again to the summary to display the updated seat status. If the seat no. is already reserved then it will prompt an error message. And also if the input seat no is out of range then it will also prompt an error message. The program is continuously running. Termination of the program will depends on how the programmer will apply. Sample output: Movie Seats Reservation Summary of Seats: Seat 1: Available Seat 2: Available Seat 3: Available Seat 4: Available Seat 5: Available Enter seat no. (Press 0 to terminate Or the assigned seat capacity) : 1 Movie Seats Reservation Summary of Seats: Seat 1: Reserve Seat 2: Available Seat 3: Available Seat 4: Available Seat 5: Available Enter seat no. (Press 0 to terminate Or the assigned seat capacity) : 6 The Seat no. is out of range! Movie Seats Reservation Summary of Seats: Seat 1: Reserve Seat 2: Available Seat 3: Available Seat 4: Available Seat 5: Available Enter seat no. (Press 0 to terminate Or the assigned seat capacity) : 1 The Seat no. is already reserved! Movie Seats Reservation Summary of Seats: Seat 1: Reserve Seat 2: Available Seat 3: Available Seat 4: Available Seat 5: Available Enter seat no. (Press 0 to terminate Or the assigned seat capacity) : 0 GoodBye... Thank You!!!