Code Snippets Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How to create and run runnable jar file of a Java Project.

HCL, TCS, Tech Mahindra, US Consulate, Wipro,

4 31025

How we use ajax in through javaScript. Please givee me an example.


i am trying to intigrate ejb and hibernate ,from session facade i am callind dao implemented through hibernate,i am getting a ClassDefNotFoundException for this org/hibernate/Session i ve set the class path at build path and in setEnv in weblogic still .........


how to display after one month adding today's sysdatedate in jsp?

1 4732

how to display date after one month using from today date in jsp


3 6674

write a program to count the number the same (letter/character foreg: 's') in a given sentence.

2 6637

How can a procedure fetch data from FTP? I need a general code for this..



why java is platform independent?


13 23276

In LSMW , what does the following error mean and how to rectify it : Incorrect interface data for set 78 in method C . This error is occuring in idoc processing step of LSMW.



How to convert string containing decimal point into integer in java? For example given a string like "3.14" as input how to get integer 3 as result.

7 30872

Write a C function to search a number in the given list of numbers. donot use printf and scanf

Honeywell, TCS,

5 14444

plz send me all data structure related programs

2 4820

what is the difference between int &r and int& r

3 8738

plz send me all data structure related programs

2 4829

inner join,outerjoin,trigger,stored procedure explain with code snippets?


1 7947

Un-Answered Questions { Code Snippets }

Definition of priority queue was given. We have to implement the priority queue using array of pointers with the priorities given in the range 1..n. The array could be accessed using the variable top. The list corresponding to the array elements contains the items having the priority as the array index. Adding an item would require changing the value of top if it has higher priority than top. Extracting an item would require deleting the first element from the corresponding queue. The following class was given: class PriorityQueue { int *Data[100]; int top; public: void put(int item, int priority); // inserts the item with the given priority. int get(int priority); // extract the element with the given priority. int count(); // returns the total elements in the priority queue. int isEmpty(); // check whether the priority queue is empty or not. }; We had to implement all these class functions.


What is a well formed XML document?


Sir... please give some important coding questions asked by product companies..


code to sorting an array of objects


write a program for area of circumference of shapes


Can you write a program to find the average of numbers in a list in python?


How can I Draw an ellipse in 3d space and color it by using graph3d?


What is the functionality of SendMessage?


write a program that creates a sequenced array of numbers starting with 1 and alternately add 1 and then 2 to create the text number in the series , as shown below. 1,33,4,6,7,9,............147,148,150 Then , using a binary search , searches the array 100 times using randomly generated targets in the range of 1 to 150


How to Get File Extension?


Create a program to read two random data set in two files named data1.txt and data2.txt manifold contains integer numbers, whereas data2.txt file contains the float type numbers. Simpanlahmasing each into 2 pieces of data that is an array of type integer array and an array of type float, then calculate the average numbers in the second array.


why do you use macros? Explain a situation where you had to incorporate macros in your proc report? use a simple instream data example with code ?


How can manage theme in php?


how to create a search bar which access data from various websites and retrieves the data


How can you apply a DTD to an XML document?