Manual Testing Interview Questions
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how many meeting in realtime environment? what are they?plz explain?


how to select tese cases for automation.give me an example plz.

2 6453

Can any one explain me what is Integration Testing with Stub and Drivers.Explain with Example.who will do Integration Testing?

7 11692

What is a TEST CONDITION?When it is used?who prepares tesst conditions? Also pls explain me clearly with an example.Plsss reply me fast. Thanks for the repliers.


4 14199

What are initial conditions?

1 4265

what is testcase review?What is the use?

4 10942

What is the Technique followed to test Login Screen(Web) BVA or Equivalent Partition why?


10 17606

How will confirm the Test Cases are passed?

PetroChina, RTG,

7 10708

I am ganesh searching in manaul testing, i am unable to explain my current project in interview anybody give me a real time oriented project and also include how can i explain it, with test case (passout 2004) M.Sc(IT) my personel id is

3 5737

hi i am arun In interview i will answer( the allinterview com ) answers it is accepatable by interviewer it is real time answer only

5 6330

How To Resolve the Test cases?


3 8717

What are the essential elements needed for database testing

3 6829

What is bug life cycle?

2 5959

how to test if there are 2000 requirements ro be tested in an application ?

4 6694

who will prepare tracebility matrix?

2 5463

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Explain Test Plan with example? Explain following in the test plan with examples What is being tested? What are pass/fail criteria? When will each test occur? What Hardware & Software environment is required? What features must be tested? What features will not be tested? What are the responsibilities of individuals & organisation in the project?


What's the difference between alpha and beta testing?


What Is risk Based testing?


What are the advantages of automation over manual testing?


can anyone tell anyone is providing training for CSTE exam in bangalore? and can u send some links related to this?


How does compatibility testing differ while testing in Internet explorer and testing in Firefox?


What is Batch testing? Facets Benefit Configuration


As you are working with cmmi level 5 company ,can you tell me what processes you r following as QA engineer?


What are the Important test scenarios which can be used for testing a web site?


What types of testing is specifically important for web testing?


What is decision table testing?


What is a code walk through?


1) how will you do validation testing in combo box ? (2)Suppose user does not want maximum length validation message, but when tester inserts data in textbox and it gets truncated, how will you resolve this issue ? (3)if a user inserts maximum number in quantity textbox in a PHP based web application then what result will show?


need testing projects where can i find them


Define performance and stress testing?