Manual Testing Interview Questions
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do you write test case for smoke testing?If not why?

2 8694

Hello every one.I want to learn Manual Testing. I'm new to Testing.can anyone send me Manual testing books or any free download links?

1 3808

can i manage putting fake experience in manual testing what they will do if am caught

3 12071

Explain Agile testing with example?

4 9073

how will the test plan is pepared in ur organisation>?


can you tell me how to write test cases from use case?

1 3759

when you open a stand alone application then the application is displayed on the screen.what type of testing is this?

1 3069

On what basis test engineer can find out TEST SCENARIOS???

2 4717

why nds?


2 4481

compatibility testing?


2 5926

What is the difference between Bugzilla and Softsmith- QAMonitor?

1 3633

diff b/w desktop based testing & web application testing


diff b/w smoke and sanity testing and what is migration plan in testing?

2 4881

what is entry / exit criteria and pass / fail criteria ?

1 6937

How many times u involved in reviewing testcases


3 5684

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

How would you test a service oriented architecture (soa) web application?


What are the benefits of creating multiple actions within any virtual user script?


Hi I am searching job please send some details abuot ERP project and real time test plan,traceability report,test case if any relate to erp project Please help me out to get a job in email address is Thank u


what is the impact analysis?


Hi Frnds, this is Aman.. can anybody tell me plz what kind of QA Interview questions are asked by IDS Infotech Ltd., Chandigarh? I have lil bit experience only in Manual Testing.. Plz answer my question as soon as possible.. Thnx in advance..


Q) Create Preffered customer: As a customer when i purchase more than $5000 in goods since my first purchase, I become a preffered customer so that i can receive the benefits associated with that status.


Have u ever done testing related to a database,give examples to support u r answer.


What are parametere require for Performance testing?


Please let me know how to test labels in web application manually and how the testcases would be. Please provide me a sample testcase


There is only requirements document. You have 10 days and 8 resources to release the system.At the end of the 8th day u tell ur TL that system is ready for release. How will you proceed with the testing process or in other words what all approach you will follow once you get requirements


Can anyone list out major scenarios for an application managing drug composition?


Difference between Re-testing and Regression testing?


IN SQL SERVER 2005, With out using Query, hw can u break down USER NAME & PASSWORD to enter the software.


what is the most critical bug u have to find in ur project.My application is ERP based,in this purchase module is there.plz tell me the answer?


Explain the procedure for manual testing.