Manual Testing Interview Questions
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wat iz self join write qeriry for table


2 5131

table X havng 3 column A,B,C....A column havng data 10 20 i wanna have 1o value in A columns all three rows


7 8668

Can anybody help i put the pharma and bank project in my resume, but i dont know what to tell about them, any body tell the where can i get the information about them,what i need to tell about these applications,please help me


in web application , what are the common "browser compatabality issues " that you have across.?


1 4590

HI EVERYONE, recently i got a job as a q.a tester in a bank.the application am going to work is credit cards.the environment will be java ,oracle,qtp quality center,VSAM,CICS,WINDOWSNT .we will be working on mainframes too.can any exp persons help me to understand the scenario and what all shud i learn to perform better(worried abt the frontend ,backend,and the architecture as whole)kindly help me


Hi Everybody could you please send me the ISTQB Material to my mail id Thanking you in advance


If anyone have attended interview with deloitte for the post of senior manual test engineer. Please share the interview process and the questions asked. How to prepare for the interview. Thanks in advance


What is the use of RTM?

2 6017

Differences between waterfall and V model


1 6518

How can your reverse a sentence("I LOVE MY COUNTRY" to "COUNTRY MY LOVE I")


4 8553

An employee table, with the columns id, name, sal and dob.Query to select emp names of all highest salaries(there are 4-5 people having the same salary which happens to be the highest).


5 7433

I have to give weights to 5 stones so that using a simple balance and the stone i should be able to weight any number between 1-100



A bank application with From a/c, To a/c, amount and a submit button - What are the conditions that you write for it.


4 7180

If you were given full powers how are you going to change the complete QA process in your company


1 5025

There is an help option in one window, which consists of 100 pages. I want to test one word from every page. How can I do this in 5 minutes?


2 5538

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Un-Answered Questions { Manual Testing }

Presently working in software company as a software test engineer with 1.5 yrs of experience but i am 2002 passout.Gap is 6 yrs.Is there any problem getting job in MNC? Which criteria HR follows for recruiting test engineer?


What are differences in testing a client server and a web application?


What are quality assurance and quality control?


What is the Difference between Network testing and Web Testing?


any one giv test cases for wordpad using equivalence class partioning


Login screen with Username, Password input fields,remember me check box,sign in and reset button write Test Cases for GUI, Funcitonal, Negative, Usability and Security testing.


Am putting E-commerce project in my resume can any one please tell me about E-commerce application explaination..


List out test deliverables?


What are the factors affecting a manual testing project and what are the ways to overcome it?


What makes a good software qa engineer?


How do you estimate white box testing?


What processes/methodologies are you familiar with?


can we do database testing in manual testing? then how we write the test case?


IN SQL SERVER 2005, With out using Query, hw can u break down USER NAME & PASSWORD to enter the software.


Hi to all..Now am working at one company as Software tester..I have selected for Accenture via one consultancy.. They have told that joining date will be on 19 th july..But now they are postponed joining date..whether i can trust that or not?Can u plz tell??plzz..whether i can put my paper to releive or not? CAn u telll?