Manual Testing Interview Questions
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For Editing functionality: If there are 10 fields on survey form.User can edit anything from theese 10 fields. User can edit only first field or he can edit 3 fields at a time or can edit all 10 fields at a time or can edit 1 field of one survey form, 2nd field of 2nd survey form, 3rd field of 3rd survey form etc. upto 10th fields or nothing will edit & close the form . My question is --> I have to write test cases for above all scenarios? Let me know it's urgent.

1 3515

How much experience do we have to become a QA? What are the responsibilities of QA?

Vistar Tech,

2 4407

I am doing manual testing for one website application. Ihave prepared bug tracking report and test case report. here after any other additional report will need to perform, can u tell me

2 3770

I want the correct answer for this question, because i read so many answers from this site which have wrong answers for this question and so during interviews i only gave wrong answers. If anyone really knows the right answers only then answer, Pls give the examples for: High Priority High severity, HP LS, HS LP, LS LP.

2 3761

hi!!!!!!!!!!!! i heard there is a new type of testing i.e. YELLOW TESTING if anyone knows about it plz tell me. thanks

2 3810

Any body can write the test cases for Address field, Mobile Number field & Landline Number field ?

Maslin Technologies,

3 70039

1.what is the approach while writing test cases in your project. 2.tell some intresting scenareo in your project


what do you mean by Personel Effectiveness and how much it will be affected to Test engineer

1 3293

What is the difference between stub & Driver? which is needed in Top Up & Bottom Down Testing?


2 7705

In any application there are so many fields. So tester have to test each field with Special chars., Alphabetic value, Alphanumeric value, Blank Space. etc. I am testing with all these inputs but should I have to consider these into test cases. Because rather than these there many functionalities to check.Please Guide me properly

2 3426

What is white-box Integration Testing and its differences between Black box-Integration testing?

Tech Mahindra,

6 14102

How do we perform critical section first (Integration testing) at specification requirement stage of SDLC? I suppose this is incorrect question as integration testing can be initiated when: * The relavant individual code modules have been designed.please correct me if i am wrong

1 5427

how can we perform load testing and performance testing manually.

1 4407

What is ADHOC testing ?


9 13686

Plese tell me What is V model how do u prepair documnet using V model ?


2 5467

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What will be the testcase for a uniquely generated number in the application?? i mean to say is, how will i conform the application is generating a unique value.... please do answer...


what is acid testing?


Tell me about Agile scrum and what is your role in Scrum ?


Hi,all i have a desktop App. which have a feature, It's a demo version if u want full version then u have to perches it. Pls give me some idea ASAP how can i break the App.


What is virtual creation tool?


What is a bug triage?


Can you do system testing at any stage of sdlc?


test cases for compose functionality of gmail


How to derive test data from the design documents?


tell me 5 new requirements in ur project? plz urgent


What is bug release?


I have interview on Guide wire testing. If you please share me.


whar are the contents in db testing test case template


What are the Major Functionality for a ATM machine ??


I have 2 yr Localisation testing exp now i want to job in MNC My manualtesting knowledge+2 yr exp sufficiant for in MNC