Is it possible to use other client side libraries like MooTools, Prototype along with jQuery?
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what is sweeper in Rails?
Is json is a programming language?
What is the use of string function sub(regex,replacement)?
What are the features of angular 2 service?
How angularjs is different from jquery?
What is the use of a weakmap object in javascript?
Why do we use ajax?
Explain with an example the use of event handlers in javascript.
What is ng-init in angularjs?
How to revert the most recent ‘destructive’ operation, changing the set of matched elements to its previous state using ?
In what way program "hello world" you can write in vbscript?
What is activatedroute?
Can you list some examples of ajax-based applications?
What are the implicit objects in jsp?
Explain client-side and server-side validation.