Scripts Interview Questions
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What is the advantage of using getProperty action, as compared to the accessor method?


How to return a value from function...? you should not tell msgbox, print.. etc.,

6 7248

when you use For Loop,, do..while? at what situations which loop will use.

1 3315

My questions is while writting descriptve programming, lets take flight reservation. Line1: systemutil.Run "D:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\QuickTestProfessional\samples\flight\app\flight4 a.exe" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Agent Name:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinEdit("attached text:=Password:").Set "mercury" dialog("text:=Login").WinButton("text:=OK").click window("text:=Flight Reservation").Activate window("text:=Flight Reservation").ActiveX ("acx_name:=MaskEdBox").Type "111111" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly From:").Select "Frankfurt" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinComboBox("attached text:=Fly To:").Select "London" window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinButton ("text:=FLIGHT").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinList("text:=From").Select "13536 FRA 08.00AM LON 08.45AM SR $163.00" window("text:=Flight Reservation").dialog("text:=Flights Table").WinButton("text:=OK").Click window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Exist window("text:=Flight Reservation").WinEdit("attached text:=Name:").Set "sagar", Now i m getting the error in the last line. it is not accepting the WinEdit("attached text:=Name:") Please do solve this urgent...! and i want to know how to insert additional properties for an object and which properties we need to select from the object spy.

3 5467

Can i create an login account with javascript ,without using database ?

TCS, Vsys,

6 13837

wats the she bang statment with syntax?

3 5790

Hi, can any one tell this Actually I AM NEW TO QTP I have one qtp script in which it calls the vbs file during it's run TIME by using the ExecuteFile "absolute path" If the vbs file is executed seperately it will give the output in a msgbox In the same way if qtp script is executed the result will be displayed in w result window right? Now the question is how to get that vbs file output in the qtp result window when I run the qtp script which calls the vbsfile during it's run TIME

1 3224

What is Round Trip

1 2875

Hi all, I got a job in Bangalore even though it's recession time. They have said my project will involve Java, Ruby on Rails, Ajax and they also said Web Services (which i have always wanted to try) and some stuff I have not much exposure like REST, mashups and Struts. Can anyone tell me if there are some good training or conferences to get to speed with these technologies. I need to do really good in my job. Thanks, Vaibhavi

1 2895

how to activate and deactivate the constraint with all the default values


can i extend jsp page like other java classes ?

3 7368

let me know what is ruby software and where and when it is usefull. Is it usefull to data base developer, if yes...where? thank you

1 3860

Whattrigger will fire initially by using update panel?

1 4838

i created script for login in QTP,i parametirized that using global sheet,problem i am facing is first i want to login with first values provided in excelsheet and want to perform some operation,second time if call same action it should login with second values in excelsheet


2 6510

difference between partial and public ?



Un-Answered Questions { Scripts }

What is the most widely used programming language?


What are local installations of dependencies?


How to get value from radiobuttonlist control?


Explain what is injector in angularjs?


Can a developer create animations in React?


How to Generate or Send JSON Data at the Server Side?


how you can run Rails application without creating databases?


Where can I learn javascript?


How can you get the total number of arguments passed to a function?


What is dependency injection (di) in angular 2?


How can we show and hide an element via jquery?


What is the minimum version of php that needs to be running in order to use html_ajax?


What are the different instances used in cgi overhead?


What are JavaScript task runners?


Explain ng-include directive in angularjs?