MySQL Interview Questions
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What are the method you will follow while sql installing

Mind Tree,


how to get only updated, deleted , inserted records after certain interval time in mysql with out using triggers...


write a c++ program to add a user to mysql.the user should be permitted to only "insert" into the given database

Infosys, Webyog,

3 5703

What is diff b/w MYISAM and INNODB storage engine. and also define the benifits and drawbacks of both storage engine

1 3060

What is the difference between SQL and SQL Server?

Cognizant, HCL,

3 7297

Can u give the example by taking an unnormalized table and make that 1nf and then 25nf, and then 3 nf?


I've looked but can't find a MySQL equivalent for MS SQL's xp_cmdshell. I have 7z files that I want to unzip and load into MySQL. I'm trying to write a sp to do the unzip, but I can't find a way to do that. Can anyone provide an example of a similar process in Windows? TIA.


how to declare unique key in creating a table..?

2 5444

How to define numeric 9(3) in db2 table without decimal point??


How to write query to select word java's from column employees and from emp table


1 2863

is it possible to assign two primary key in a table


8 9813

How internally data stores in MyISAM and INNODB table types?



maximum database size of mysql database

2 4348

when i declare date data type in sql ,i inserted the date 22-10-2012,but my result is in different date 1894-07-11 any one pls help me what's wrong in my query Create table orders(od_id int,od_name varchar(10),od_date date) insert into orders values(1,'sai',22-10-2012) and any one pls suggest what i can learn for 3 years real time experenice in sql because i am looking for database field

1 2673

I want to make a query where I want to eliminate the duplicate rows from the table. For example : Input : Table : NAME Column1 Column2 India USA USA India UK India India UK The desired output that I want to eliminate the duplicates Output India USA UK India Thanks

Sun Life,

2 4229

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Un-Answered Questions { MySQL }

How is myisam table stored?


What is the usage of ENUMs in MySQL?


What is the query to display top 20 rows?


What is mysqli_result?


Why MySQL is used?


Write a query to create a database and a table?


Use a regular expression to find records. Use “REGEXP BINARY” to force case-sensitivity. This finds any record beginning with r.


Explain about reporting services of MYSQL?


How can I change database in mysql?


Does mysql use t sql?


How triggers can be used in mysql?


What is max connections in mysql?


How to determine the location of the data directory?


Is number a datatype in mysql?


What is flush privileges in mysql?