SQL Server Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

what is performance tunning in sql server ? explain.

Thomson Reuters,

1 3710

CTE(common table expression)

Thomson Reuters,

1 7859

how to find maximum identity number in a table ?

JPMorgan Chase, Thomson Reuters, Wipro,

2 12011

what is Covering Index ?

Thomson Reuters,

3 6137

Can we make the the chages By Using the Sql if u know any function or process please inform me Actuall result: BRK1 Break 1 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK1 Break 1 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 3 00:01:00:00 60 BRK3 Break 3 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 BRK3 Break 3 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 Desired O/P: BRK1 Break 1 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 BRK2 Break 2 Part 1 00:01:00:00 60 Part 2 00:01:00:00 60 Part 3 00:01:00:00 60



Diffrences between sql server 2000 vs 2008



please give me query code of unique fuction select UNIQUE (name) from emp_info Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'UNIQUE'.


1 5907

how can we know that how many users are connected in perticuler server??????

2 4827

how to delete duplicate rows in sql server2005

Cisco, CTS, HCL, IBM,

7 11540

how to insert the values in 5 table at a time with triggers . if u have any solution then co-operate me ?

1 2999

how to insert the values in 5 table at a time Using any single statement ?

Infosys, Value Labs,

6 10033

hi ..i am working as a sql dba.....now i want to learn more about t-sql..... is it possible to learn online.... plz refer any site ..thankq



Hi, I Created 3 Tables Person(PersID[prkey],Name,Email,Password), Project(ProjName,ProjID[prkey],ProjLeader,ProjManager) & ProjectInvolvement(EntryDate,ProjID[frkey],PersID[frkey],ProjDuration). For this how can i INSERT,UPDATE & DELETE Through PROCEDURE? Please Post the Answer for me. Desai.


If i have one transaction say mainTransaction, within this mainTransaction i have another two transaction say t1 and t2. Now while execution t1 completes successfully and commit statement fires, but while executing t2 some error occurs and rollback statement fires. What happen to t1, is it rollback or not?

Ness Technologies,

1 4108

What are the benefits of using stored procedures over sql statements?

Ness Technologies,

3 7176

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

How to create an multi-statement table-valued function?


How to get a list of all tables with "sys.tables" view in ms sql server?


Differentiate between a primary key and a unique key.


How to verify a login name with sqlcmd tool?


how many triggers you can have on a table? : Sql server database administration


How to start sql server browser service?


How do I make a resultset scrollable?


What language is sql server written in?


you have developed an application which uses many stored procedures and triggers to update various tables users ocassionally get locking problems which tool is best suited to help you diagnose the problem? : Sql server administration


Explain stored procedure?


What do you understand by recursive stored procedures?


What is meant by indexing files?


What are the advantages of policy management?


What is the full meaning of dml?


You have several tables, and they are joined together for querying. The tables contain both clustered indexes and non clustered indexes to optimize performance, how should you distribute the tables and their indexes onto different file groups?