SQL Server Interview Questions
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What is Index Segmentation ?


1 6412

hi, how to match retrieve the unmatched records from 2 tables in which we dont have any primary key. example : table1 has 1,2,3,4,5 and table2 has 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 and i want the numbers from 6 to 10 to be displayed and should not come as null. i need the numbers. please reply as soon as possible.

4 6795

hi, how to link a text file and a .rpt file in my tables of sql server and to retrieve those records for further use. reply me as soon as possible.


1.can we set the more than 1 primary keys for a table? 2.please give me the difference between Cluster Index and non-Clustered Index 3.can we use query like this "Select * from Table1,Table2;"

8 6847

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[HPMS_CompetencyTypes](CompetencyType varchar(50) ) go create trigger hpms_create_Insert on HPMS_CompetencyTypes for insert as if Exists ( select * from [HPMS_CompetencyTypes] where CompetencyType=(select * from [HPMS_CompetencyTypes])) begin Rollback tran Raiserror ('duplicate value',12,6) go insert HPMS_CompetencyTypes (CompetencyType) values ('new') I'm new to trigger can any one tell me where is the issue. Please.

2 3237

which one will take 1st priority in case of insert statement and select statement???


2 5280

i want to create procedure for create table in sql server 2005 for example create procedure create_table @table varchar(20) as create @table( id int, name char(20) ) but it will get error what is solution?


5 6354

How to handle errors in Stored Procedures. I want to display a message to the user in the .aspx page that is calling a stored procedure in it's code behind. please help me.


2 3945

What is the difference between local table and global table

CarrizalSoft Technologies, Polaris,

1 6643

What is SQL Profiler and the use of it?


2 4031

What are SQL Jobs, please mention the use of it and how to create them.


1 3932

What is the difference between truncate and delete statement?

CarrizalSoft Technologies, CTS,

6 6579

What is the difference between UNION and UNIONALL?

CarrizalSoft Technologies, CTS,

5 11655


CarrizalSoft Technologies, CTS,

2 6183

What is the order in which the SQL query is executed? list them in order.

CarrizalSoft Technologies, CTS, Oracle,

5 10046

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

What happens if strings are casted into wrong code pages in ms sql server?


What is resource governor in sql server?


What are the steps you must follow to hide sql server instances?


What is the difference between DATETIME2 and DATETIME?


Why we need to use secondry database file? though, we can do same work using primary database file also.


What is the fillfactor concept in indexes?


List out the differences between global and local temp tables in sql server?


Differentiate between a local and a global temporary table?


Explain what are sparse columns?


Can two tables share the same primary key?


What command would you use to add a column to a table in sql server?


What is default constraint?


How to get a list of all tables with "sys.tables" view in ms sql server?


Explain four layers of abstraction microsoft architectured?


What are the restraints imposed on the table design by a merge replication?