SQL Server Interview Questions
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wat is the main diff between sql server 2000and sql server 2005

Jade Software,

6 8611

What is the difference between windows authentication and sql server authentication


7 21705

code to create procedure for taking databse backup in sql server or i have the query for it but what it's query returns means i want to show on my jsp that the databse backup has been taken on the basis of that return value.does it returns 0 or 1.wat is the code for that



how can i store resumes in database?


3 8931

how many joins we can write if at all we have n no of tables

Tanla Solutions, TS,

5 14543

what is the order of execution of where,having,group by in select stement

IBM, Tanla Solutions,

6 20666

What is the difference between SSAS 2000 and SSAS 2005?


1 6606

PC(code, model, speed, ram, hd, cd, price) Find the hard drive sizes that are equal among two or more PCs.


6 13195

please can anyone answer this query Table 1 has 2 columns: EmployeeId,Age Table 2 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, Region Write SQL to Find the region who has the oldest person

10 9726

can any one answer this query,thank you in advance Table 1 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, T shirtsize(values can be 1,2,3) Table 2 has 2 columns: EmployeeId, Region Write SQL to Find the region which has the largest number of people with Tshirt size=3


15 13566

i want table name basis on column name.

5 6889

i want only duplicates rows from coloumn ex. emp_id(colomn name)1,1,2,3,3,4,5,5. so i want only duplicates no.


3 6905

In clustered and non clustered indexes which one is faster while executing a query ?

1 6985

How to create logins using windows Authentication mode?

2 3848

write the query for taking database restore in sql?

2 4726

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

hi, how to link a text file and a .rpt file in my tables of sql server and to retrieve those records for further use. reply me as soon as possible.


What is sql server transaction log file?


What is bit data type?


What is a fill factor?


What is the difference between a function and a stored procedure?


What is the difference between set and select?


Explain security with sql azure?


Which sql server table is used to hold the stored procedure scripts?


You are designing a database for your human resources department in the employee table, there is a field for social security number, which cannot contain null values if no value is given, you want a value of unknown to be inserted in this field what is the best approach?


How many databases Microsoft SQL server provides?


Where to find ntwdblib.dll version 2000.80.194.0?


What is Service Broker in sql server 2012?


What are various ways to enhance the ssrs report?


What is the user of Primary key?


Explain what are commit and rollback in sql?