what is descriptive programming in QTP and what is environment variable in QTP? where we store and what is its use?
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Which conditional statement is the most convenient one to use in the case of multiple conditions in the vbscript language?
How will you compare two strings in vbscript?
If we take 2 strings as “good” and “bad” then what will ‘+’ and ‘&’ operators return?
Explain about tristate constants?
How will you convert a string to lower case string using vbscript?
what is inner join? what is outer join? what is a constraint? tell me about rdbms? tell me about acid properties?
Explain a few date functions in vbscript
Like OPTION EXPLICIT statement what are the other statements used in vbscript and their usage. Please post me all the statements please.
Mention how to assign a date value to a variable?
1. How do declare public variable in vb scripts?
hi all, i had a question, that how to find out hiding a coloumn in a table i had a table having the following column names NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER if i right clicked on a NAME column it will displays a menu having the same column names in a list like NAME DESCRIPTION CREATED TIME CREATED USER with check boxes.if i unched any check box, that column name should not be appear in the main table column names could anyone please solve this problem?
I need to get some data from data base and store this
(retrieved) data in a excel sheet using VB script in QTP9.0
I have created connection for data base
I have created as excels sheet by using
Set XL=CreateObject("Excel.Application")
XLworksheet.cells(1,1).value= rs.fields.item("<
1.I want to establish connection with excel and also want to fetch the data using SQL queries. 2.the code should be written in such a way that in future if I want to migrate from excel to MS excess database , then there should be minimal changes.
What is the use of option explicit statement?
What is the use of the formatdatetime function in the vbscript language?