how will i display the duplicate record's from a table... i don't want to eliminate ...i want to display the duplicate record...for example in my table i have 10 record's like record no(1,2,3,4,2,9,6,1) in this i want to receive duplicates...
1 5347in a table consist of 1000 records among that i was updated 145 record how could i know that ..list of recently updated record's and where could i see those updated record's....pls help me out....
4 10245in my table i will update only 100 record among 1000 records i need to display recently updated record'.....can u tell me where those records are stored how can i display those records...?if there is any sql query pls let me know....?
3 9543Can we use group-by clause in sub-query? If 'yes' means,Will it be executed successfully or else If 'no' means why should we not using that method? Give me your suggestion please....
1 4249
How is deadlock resolved?
I understand Join always perform better than subqueries. Then what is the advantage/use of Subqueries/correlated subqueries etc.,in DB2 programming.Please explain.
Why do we use cursor?
What is dpf in db2?
What is deadlock in db2?
What is a storage group (stogroup)?
What is the use of with ur in db2?
What is node in db2?
I have a subprogram B calling from mainprogram A.I have opened a cursor in A ,Can i fetch the same cursor in subprogram B , If yes , Please explain the reason?
How can tablespace be moved to another dasd volume that is allocated for that tablespace?
What is cloudant database?
What is db2 optimizer?
Explain about rct.
What is nvl in db2?
i tried to copy some records from microsoft excel to as-400 physical file through "Bosanova" emulation. Out of 14000 records only 12000 records copies and subsequently programe started to hang. Then, i closed the program forcefully. I did' under stand the problem. Also when i try to compile the physical file it is showing as "The file in use". How to overcome this problem?