JCL Interview Questions
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How can you execute a COBOL program via SYSIN in JCL?

1 5877

can a job be submitted through jcl only? is there another way to submit a job?


2 7385

what is meant by jobtrac?


4 15363

can we maintain 2 generations with different Lengths in Same GDG ?


3 23720

diff bw SB37,SD37,SE37 ?( bcz these 3 belongs Space related abends only)


4 10137

when GDG version number get changed ? bcz always Generations only increasing.

Cap Gemini,

1 6484

How to print data of sequential file to Spool..?

2 7092

i have a ps with two columns eno and ename , i need to copy eno column values in one ps and ename column values in one Ps ? is it possible through iebgener . how ? thx in advance


1 6028

how to run batch program without jcl?


3 10040

In Job, there are 10 steps. If I want to execute the first 6 steps and don't want to execute from 7th to 10th step. What is the solution for this ?

7 7724

How to delete generations of gdg without deleting gdg base?

3 16150

While using SORT FILES =NONE,XSUM I am getting error "ICE172A E XSUM IS NOT SUPPORTED - USE ICETOOL SELECT IF APPROPRIATE"..I want to write duplicate records a a serparte file..how i can do tht?


3 14911

db2 maintains information about the data... a.in tables. b.in a set of tables known as db2 catalog. c.in db2 database. d.none of the above. 1 What is the maximum number of tables that can be stored on a Partitioned Table Space ? 1 what is contained in the DB2 node lock file? A) data base names B) data base users names C) license keys D) server names Accenture 5 Can a primary key have null values? If we try to insert a null value in a primary key column, will it work or give an error code? 6 When you are working with the project after coding what will u do? Like what type of documents u will prepare? How will u do testing? 2 how to delete perticular row from table for ex. how you will delete 3rd row from table please answer THANKS IN ADVANCE IBM 7 max number of columns in a db2 table? 6 What is package versioning? Please give an example. 1 What is the picture clause of the null indicator variable? 6 How do you filter out the rows retrieved from a Db2 table ? 1 What is DB2 (IBM Database 2)? 3 Can any one tell me about Restart logic in DB2.

Cap Gemini,

2 4430

A job has 90 steps i want to execute only step7 and step15


3 7410

A job has 150 steps i want to execute only 57th step


3 7161

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Un-Answered Questions { JCL }

How to submit jcl through a cobol program?


Mention the types of job control statements?


I want my job (careerride) to be executed in 1 minute and 2 seconds. How do I do that?


Explain dfsort utility?


1) SORT FIELDS=(20,4,CH,D,10,3,CH,D) OUTREC FIELDS=(7:20,4,C' FUTURE ',20,2,10,3,1Z,1,9,13,7, 24,57,TRAN=LTOU,6X'FF') This example illustrates how a fixed-length input data set can be sorted and reformatted for output. The SORTIN LRECL is 80 bytes. The reformatted output records are fixed length with a record size of 103 bytes. SOLRF (the IBM-supplied default) is in effect, so unless the SORTOUT LRECL is specified or available, it will automatically be set to the reformatted record length of 103. in the above example i have some doubts that a) sort fields=(20,4,CH,D,10,3,CH,D) -what exactly it does and this fields related to output record fields or input record fields b)outrec used to refprmat the records after sorting that means could please reply me as soon as possible Thanks. Venkat


How jcl work to handle various input output file operations?


We can use PASS with permanent datasets also. THEN Which is the condition in which we may use PASS (instead of KEEP) with permanent data sets, while there is no need to specify UNIT and VOL for them like temporary data sets (in cas we use KEEP for permanent data sets) ?


what is a jcl?


What is the function of the dd mgmtclas keyword in sms datasets?


What are steplib and joblib?


What are the rules employed while naming the steps in a job?


Name a few IBM utility programs, and explain its function.


Differentiate between addressing mode and run mode.


I need exexution process for JCL programs


What is the function of dd name parameter with a 2 part structure; audit.report?