COBOL Interview Questions
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Can we dynamically increase the size of occurs clause? i.e In case I an not sure of the size of array and want to increase the size at run time.If yes , how?

1 5293

I have a variable account-number declared as comp-3, s9(10) comp-3 in a file. How do i find a particular account number say 123456 in that file?

3 7069

Suppose i want to declare a binary comp fild of 7 byte .how to write?


6 9570

I am sending values a and b with pic x(10) and pic x(10) by using call statement. In linkage section, I am receiving values with pic x(10) and pic x(11). Will my program fail? will it be compile error or run time abend?

3 5990

What is JOBLIB and STEPLIB in JCL? what is the purpose of using it?

1 15767

is this below syntax correct? CALL 'subprg' using A,B Please help

2 4603

COBOL Snippet: Tell where the control will when the below code execute IF (A=B) CONTINUE ELSE NEXT SENTENCE PERFORM END-IF.


7 11162

can i give 9(10) in comp 3 instead of s9(10) ? if i can give wht would be ths ans


2 6458

wht is load module and object module ?


2 13536

wht is structured cobol pgm and non structred cobol pgm ?


1 3144

how can we get current dat and time thru cobol pgm


3 10115

how can i see junk values in dclgen or in hostvariable of comp ?



can any one give good example for cond 88 level number and for renames pls urgent dudes ?


3 7448

how will u code parm parameter and where pls ?


3 6547

wht is the difference between goto and perform stmts


7 33065

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Un-Answered Questions { COBOL }

please..could u give an example about USAGE IS POINTER ..and explain why and when we use it ?


Why is it necessary that file needs to be opened in I-O mode for REWRITE?


What is the difference between Call and a Link?


What is the Purpose of Pointer in the string?


What is amode(24), amode(31), rmode(24) and rmode(any) (applicable to only mvsesa enterprise server) ?


Why would you use find and get rather than to obtain?


input 1 input2 ouput1 output2 output 3 1 re 300 1 re 200 1 re 300 3 rc 500 1 re 200 2 rr 400 1 re 300 2 rr 400 1 rc 400 3 rc 500 1 rc 400 2 rr 700 2 rr 700 5 tt 900 5 tt 900 2 inputs r in flat file and output 1 is matched records,ouptput2 is unmatched of input1,output3 is unmatched of input2! how vl u get the output files using sequential order and to check with each and every records! let me know the procedure division ?


What are the different open modes available in cobol?


how do you reference the rrds file formats from cobol programs


What is the utilization of copybook in cobol? Could we utilize a similar copybook?


IF I mention stop run in CICS what happens?


Differentiate between structured cobol programming and object-oriented cobol programming.


Is it possible that the redefines clause has different picture clauses compared to the one it redefined?


HOw can I get the negative sign while deduct high value from low value


What is static and dynamic call in cobol?