Win32API Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

What is Win32?

AAA, Genpact, HCL, Wipro,

14 35003

Function entry for DLL in win3.1

3 9530

win 3.1 supports which type of multi tasking?


2 8824

what Message displayed when a window is destroyed

3 11077

write About send message and post message

4 15764

what is the function to repaint a window immediately?

2 17319

Message to limit the size of window

3 11228

About GDI object?

2 13298

how to Initialize contents of a dialog?


2 10926

what API used to hide window

2 17668

System call executable binary file into a process

2 6992

what is the difference between MFC and Win32

ArisGlobal, Microsoft,

5 19917

what are the design patterns of an MFC application

Samsung, SunSoft Technologies,

5 16985

What are the COM components

SunSoft Technologies,

2 8325

How to load Bitmap at Dialogbakground in an MFC application?

SunSoft Technologies,

1 10720

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Un-Answered Questions { Win32API }

what is the stack size in win 32 program


explain WM_PAINT message ?????


What is preemption and context switching?


What is System call executable binary file into a process?


What Message to limit the size of window?


What is Function entry for DLL in win3.1?


to take three string inputs in a two dimensional array of 3 rows and 15 columns and write a function that prints them.


What is GDI object?


What is an Hash Mapping in java?