Core Java Interview Questions
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what is the need of the Ajax?


5 6909

I want to know the host name and provider name for tcs web mail


5 17575

How Array List can be Serialized.


7 13129

Why we use static and synchronized in method for single thread model example: public static synchronized add(){}

2 5216

what is main difference b/w abstract class and interface

4 6748

if arraylist size is increased from initial size what is the size of arraylist...suppose initial is 100 , if i add 101 element what is the size...

10 30501

why interfaces are faster than abstract classes?

4 18557

how to call a method in different package?

4 19190

How to create two different thread class inside a main function?

1 4353

why String class is immutable.


5 12053

How to sort a vector elements that contains the user define class object? (Note: If Suppose consider, A Student class contain two data members. They are String studentName and int rollNo. I am creating Four objects for this class, each object contains students details like name and roll no. Now i am storing that objects in vector and if i retiving the elements from the vector means then it should be display in sorting order)

ProdEx Technologies,

3 7685

what is aberivation of java?

14 15307

explain about jre and jvm

2 6391

what is difference between abstract and interface? can i give real time example for the two topics?

7 10702

Is java is a fully object object oriented language?


31 29262

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

What does it mean that a method or field is “static”?


How do you use compareto in java?


What are the special characters?


What are the rules for variable declaration?


What is a char in java?


Java Compiler is stored in JDK, JRE or JVM?


What is final method?


Can I extend singleton class in java?


What is main function purpose?


What are the supported platforms by java programming language?


How do generics work?


What is a treeset in java?


What is the use of set in java?


Does isempty check for null?


Hi all, I am dng a mini project on FileSplitter application which splits the GBs of logfile into Smaller chunks(mbs) depending on the split size." How to handle GBs file? I am getting OutOfMemoryException, when I input such GB sized file. Thx