Core Java Interview Questions
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why there are multiple catches for a try block.don't tell me that there can be multiple exception of a code segment that's why.tell me the real fact behind this.

4 7240

Which are thin and thicK wrapper Class's in Java?

1 7706

Hi, This is ravi i have a question like this i have string "UNDERSTAND" now i want to count the letters how many times it occures.i.e from the above string the out put should be like this U-1,N-2,D-2,E-1,R-1,S-1,T-1,A-1. how can i achieve this Thnaks in advance for your response ..

7 6309

Why do inner class cannot have static declaration except static nested class?

TCS, Wipro,

2 11372

What is the basically use of finally while we know it is always executed but why?

Oracle, TCS,

5 7636

Why can't we make jsp as a controller and action servlet in struts?

TCS, Wipro,

8 10202

What is the difference between error and exception and explain in simple words not whatever is given in the book.

7 10649

What is the differnence between String Buffer and String builder despite having knowledge that String builder is faster than String Buffer and last one is threadsafe.please tell another important difference.


3 7732

define System.out.println(); what is the meaning!


19 35689

whats string ?


10 9344

After compilation of java program we'll get .class code. If it's generated in OS Windows XP will it work on OS Linux? If yes why? If no why?


5 8130

What are the OOAD concepts in java explain with examples?

Aricent, CTS,

4 31708

What is difference between Eclips and MyEclips?

3 5941

what is the difference between sleep() and Wait()?

Accenture, Amdocs,

10 45676

What is escape analysis algorithm in JVM and how garbage collection actually worked n how it transfer the objects from one kind of space to other?


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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

What is data movement?


Why is java called the platform independent programming language?


Where we write javascript code in html page?


Are strings immutable in java?


Garbage collection in java?


How do you sing an Applet ?


How can you say java is object oriented?


What are the advantages of defining packages in java?


What is Enum in Java?


Why are data types important?


What are Normalization Rules? Define Normalization?


what is predefined function in java?


How many bits are used to represent unicode, ascii, utf-16, and utf-8 characters in java programming?


Is java ee a framework?


Which programming language is best in future?