Core Java Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

wht is mean by dirty read?

1 7804

what is the difference between Java Command Line and C command Line?

2 8406

In Inheritence concept, i have a static method in super class and i am inheriting that class to one sub that case the static method is inherited to sub class or not????


12 13910

Q1.A. Write note on “The class path Environment Variable”? B. Which are different kinds of source code? Q2.A. How to create an interface? B. Why convert an applet to an application? Q3.A. How to use Media tracker Class. B. How to use string tokenizer class. Q4 A. Explain the overview of UDP messaging. B. Difference between SQL Exception class and SQL Warning class. Q5. A. How to create com object in Java? B. Write short notes on “The properties class” Q6. A. When object is created and destroyed? B. Explain the JDB in depth & command line. C. Write short notes on Web Sites.

iGate, Seed Infotech,

2 7416

what are the oops concept in java explain with real time examples

Accenture, Bosch, Consummate Technologies, CTS, Current Technologies, iNautix, Infosys, Kekran Mekran, QA InfoTech, RTRT, SofTech, Tech Mahindra, Thorogood, Timios, Wipro,

24 192495

what is difference between Exception and Error?

36 85245

what is difference between colection and collections?

Amdocs, IBM, Infosys, Ipog Software, Polaris, Tech Mahindra,

25 65407

Why we can not force Garbage Collection?

7 13133

I have a class which is abstract which contains only the abstract methods. This is similar to an interface. Then, if i have given a choice to choose one of them. Which one i have to choose and why?

4 5911

How multipleInheritance is possible in java?


18 18476

explain me with a code snippet about the generation and handling of null point exceptions.

1 3714

We have two methods to create methods the threads. 1. Implementing runnable interface 2. Extending to thread class and overriding run method. Among these two which one is better and why? Please explain me in detail.

2 5398

When we can access the static data member without creating the object what is the need of the object in java.

Airhub, ssinformatics,

5 7647

whst is encapsulation?when u encpsulate actually while devoloping code?

Amdocs, MGL,

7 7647

what is the messsage u r going to get from an objectoriented programing?



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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

How would you format a date in java? I.e. In the ddmmyyy format?


What is broken and continue statement?


How can we make a class singleton?


Write a program in java to find the maximum and minimum value node from a circular linked list.


What are the application of stack?


What is keyword in oop?


What is class variable java?


What are some alternatives to inheritance?


How to sort elements in a parallel array in java?


what is bmg file and how to create that files?what will it contailn?


A person says that he compiled a java class successfully without even having a main method in it? Is it possible?


Why hashset is used in java?


How do you sing an Applet ?


What is string value?


Can a constructor be protected?