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Polaris Interview Questions
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what is wrun.ini file..what it consists?

3 13809

what is test objective?

19 69445

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using inline and const?

2 23341

Give me a sample test case for an online purchasing system?What testings u do for the same ?

8 84304

explain the concept of inheritance with an example?

9 23076

Write a query to find second highest salary of an employee.

72 110780

How many languages .NET is supporting now?

38 88278

what is meant by string pooling?

12 36636

What is an MDT (Modified Data Tag) - it's meaning and use?

2 27825

what is difference between redirect and forward method?

12 28340

What is the difference between an EXE and a DLL?

3 8183

What is meant by TROUBLESHOOTING?

42 65674

What is the difference between a stub and a skeleton?

9 73905

What is security domain in Business Objects?

4 22056


3 19274

Post New Polaris Interview Questions

Polaris Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

What does ctrl z do linux?


What is the difference between web, window, desktop and client server application testing?


What is the frequency of sampling for the materials of cement,Fine aggregate, Coarse aggregate .and refer which code


How to fetch the data from sap-r/3, sap-bw/bi to informatica system? what is step by step procedure? at what senario you retrieve the data from sap system to informatica or say dwh system? --


A collection of functions,calls,subroutines or other data a) library b) header files c) set of files d) textfiles


What is meant by Revenue Loss


Explain about precipitation reaction?


why and where we use early make & late break contacts in protection?


why do you add the load short circuit impedance when considering short circuit amperage. It seems that you should only consider supply. If you need to consider loads and you don't know what loads are to be added , what would be a good sub-transient reactance rating for the loads?


What is the scope of variables in JavaScript?


What is difference between persistent and transient objects?


what qualitites do you look for in your colleagues?


What is switch case in c++ syntax?


Write the command to copy a file from linux to hdfs?


L&T construction mechanical questions