I was try to insert 120000 records into the orcle table using the stroed proceeder. But it was stop the 9999. What can I do insert all the records.
2 3931There is a table which contains all the employee details, unfortunately there is mistake occured while entering the data. ex: ------------------------------- empid empname gender address ------------------------------- 1 abcd f address1 2 defg m address2 3 ghth m address3 4 jkil f address4 write a update query that will change gender 'm' to 'f' and 'f' to 'm'
2 4895what is the use of occurs 10 or (any number) in the internal table declaration with header line.
1549SAS question: I have 50 fils a1,a2,...,a50. the primary key is upc. then if i want to merge all 50 files, the code is as follows, data test; merge a1 ... a50; by upc; run; we know that writing all 50 files name is time consuming, is there any standard format of this code?
1596Post New Programming Languages AllOther Questions
What is ur porject Architecture? If anyone ask what i have to specify here..
I want to pass .pdf files as OlE Object to crystal report through VB6. Please any one guid me...
Diffrence between 2.0,3.0,3.5,4.0. versions of .net?
Explain with examples any 2 features of OOPS.
What is web.configuration? how is it work? & wht is use this?
In JCl , we have COND parameter.This holds comparison code and condition.It also has only and even parameters. ex: COND((4,GE),EVEN).what the comma mean here. is that 'and' or 'or'.
How to get the index of the clicked field in reports in ABAP?
how sap is different from other software ?
What's the difference b/w Table & Templete in Smartform?
For a binary tree with n nodes, How many nodes are there which has got both a parent and a child?
Hi I am Rathnam, How To Remove the duplicates with out using remove duplicate stage in the datastage
Write a program to find factorial of a number using functions
Why did you ever become involved in QA/testing?
What do you understand by modular programming?
could you please tell me how to draw the calibration curve for HPLC {the software which we are using}?