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1884hi..this is kartheek..complted mca in 2009..but i dont have knowledge in programing..but to learn new language.. which one is suitable for me?is SAP or IBM mainframes is suitable for me..?if it suits how much will it costs..?pls answer...
1684Hi all... I had completed MSC(Computer) and had join the construction company based on sap.they want me to work on abap.but software company is totally different from construction company and they want me 2 grasp it as fast i can.i am finding it difficult.what should i do??????
1540. With the help of above table EMP, perform the following operation is sql. a) Add the new column “DEPTNO” b) Rename the table c) Update table d) Modify the table if column ‘SAL’ whose data type is number (10) and you want to enter varchar2 (15) . For example $USD 20 etc.
2 4232how to get second highest salary from a employee table and how get a 5th highest salary from a employee table by using proc sql?
2027My Qualification is MCA.My interview is on 5th may.They may ask q as------AS u r MCA...Why u r not tring anywhere else? What can be the ans?
1627Post New Programming Languages AllOther Questions
what is best way to create a Thread class & why?
When will you use shell script/Perl ahead of C/C++?
Always use scope terminator like End-If with IF, End- Evaluate with Evaluate statement.Can somebody explain me the detail logical explanation?
kindly send interview materials
It is possible to take number of controls added to form at run-time.ex-when user enter 6, 6 text boxes get added to form,next time number of controls get change as per user number enter. What is code for that?
which worker is involved in all the phases of SDLC?
What r the attributes using in Win Runner?
Given: coordinates of rectangle-> left bottom and right top points. the rectangles create a hole.Find the maximum area of the hole. eg. 4 rectangles create a hole in between. find its area.
how will you code the subfile which is in editing mode (multiple case subfile)?
how to fin top two miximum values in sql? not 2nd both max value of 1st and 2nd both have to find out
what is the use MDM(Master Data Management)and meaning
Can any one give an example (Source Code) on virtual function implemetation in Java?
Have you used callsymputx? what points need to be kept in mind when using it?
Given a cube of size n*n*n (i.e made up of n^3 smaller cubes), find the number of smaller cubes on the surface. Extend this to k-dimension.
Given an array of size n+1 which contains all the numbers from 1 to n.Find the number which is repeated in O(n) time.How do you proceed with the same with floating numbers from 0 to 1 instead of 1 to n?