Business Management AllOther Interview Questions
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kindly tell me what does it mean if bank official make me call and ask me that in case u get selected in icici bank then what would u do?

1 3720

What do you like doing in your spare time?

1 4228

What course have you applied to study at London School of Arts?


I done MBA (HR-MARKETING) and now am working for some other company, i want to do PGDIPLOMA IN BUSINESS MANAGEMENT OR HRM. Can any one suggest which univercity is best and is this right decision..?


what do you mean by Procurement?

3 6468

Urgent Required a Content Writer in Our company if there is any one female kindly contact @


why you chng the line from technical to finance

1 2589

marketing means? like as m for money

1 2617

why would you choose ece ( early childhood education)


importance of computer?


I heard about online data entry job and is this job safe, legal to do at home. How I will find a good online job to do at home ?


What do you mean by 100% subsidiary?

1 2883

I defaulted on a second on my home loan. The statement I recieved from the lender states Suspence blance is 0. What does that mean?


difference between association and group?



explain about yourself with your streangth and weakness. and also tell me why do you want to do mba?


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Un-Answered Questions { Business Management AllOther }

How does information act in the controlling process?


Where you find yourself after 5 years in particular co.?


tell me about ur self in hindi


why is india affected due to america meltdown? whole global market is affecting . why?


as a logistic manager in an aviation company,what are 5 steps you would take to ensure that your company regain the lost market share,after dwindling sales of tickets?


Dear Sir i am working in Infosys pune. I am thinking of doing MBA partime. Could you please list the universities in pune. Which have good Campus placement


I've done mechanical engineering With 57% in 2012 now I got admission in concentration in business management and leadership in us university with out GRE for summer intake. Would it be a problem.? I going to book appointment in this month And what should I answer him if he ask me why this course and why u didn't take GRE.? Please suggest me. Thank you


A. What factor account for the resurgence of interest in Operation Management today? B What strategies are used by supermarkets, airlines, hospitals, banks, and cereal Manufacturers to influence demand.


hi i got i-20 from my US university for studing MS in Economics. i am gong to face the interview soon. but i do not have any score in IELTS/TOFLE or GMAT.i do not have the time to sit for it. Does this effect on getting visa. Plz. let me know...


why do u select to do MBA in HR after doing B.Sc in physics?


What is basic requirement for Scheduled Bank?


List the major pricipal of organizing


New Entrepreneurs agengy was established on


EOQ formula ? and tell me about that???


If the market portfolio has an expected return of 15 percent and a standard deviation of 20 percent, and the risk-free rate of interest is 8 percent, I) What is the slope of the capital market line (CML)? (5marks) ii) What does this mean to an investor? (5marks)