Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
Questions Answers Views Company eMail

How and by whom the Percentage of Depreciation is fixing?



What do u mean by GDP, explain in detail?

5 11371

What is CMA Data? Explain in detail.

Garware, KK Capital, MR Constructions, nsdl,

14 188076

what is IRP?

Bank Of America,

5 8321

hi this is priya. what is contigant liability and where we can take it in balance sheet i mean under which head

4 5883

What is accrual? Give example for the same?

Infosys, TCS,

4 7478

Reserve Capital and Reserve Capital

Capital IQ,


how many accounting standards in india and also world wide

2 4117

Please explain a Representative Personal Account.


how to entry of hra

Raj Construction,


what balance does fixed assets show?


5 7682

Even if Trial balance tallies.there will show some errors why? what is the reason?


4 7083

what are Miscellaneous expenses? where it posted ?give with example and why it is call miscellaneous expenses

14 68128

What is the difference between SL and GL ?

1 3995

How do we treat Bad debts... how to create provision/reserve for bad debts? show an example journal... for creating provision and then writting off debtors

Axis Risk Consulting,

7 29115

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Un-Answered Questions { Accounting AllOther }

why you want to join the banking and finance industry?


i want report country wise with invoice number for gl account


Dear Sir, My qus is my co. purchase a laptop from for rs-37200 on credit Emi basis from hdfc bank. i paid every month 6200rs as a installment. so i want to know how i make a entry in tally 9. and also want to know i creat laptop ledger under fixed assets or office expenses. plz tel me soon.or mail me .


What are the benefits ofparticipation in a depository?


What is money measurement concept


1. The controlling department wants to see depreciation amount on internal orders. Which customizing setting do you need to make in asset accounting?(any 3 answer) Make the internal order in active assignment object. Make the internal order an account assignment object for the depreciation run. Set the field internal order to required or optional in the screen layout. Enhance relevant transfer variant by adding the field internal order. Assign the field internal order to account determination.


While we are bringing our machinery items to factory through a vehicle from other state to Andhra pradesh, is this correct to send our own state way bill along with the other state way bill.


what is monetary polasy and how it is different from trade polacy? how it will impact on stockmarkets in India?


let me know the minimum Accounting Heads in an accounting system


what do you meant auction? what is F & o segment?


company's total overhead expense is containing which are the expenses? Definition of overhead expense.


what is the global prameters why are you selecting for the negative posting period allowed, defalult value date,proposed fisal year


in case dedit balance of solvent partner and in case credit balance of insolvent partner what i do for accounting on dissolution of partnershio firm give me ans. as per garrner v/s murry rule


what is participation right is it a debt? or not?


Apportion Rs 125000/- Nett loss among the partners A,B,C as per their sharing ratios 32%,16% and the balance to C. Pass journal entry