What are the legal entities that constitute your business? Does a legal entity have a seperate Federal Tax Id? In which country does a legal entity operate? In which currency does a legal entity operate? When does each legal entity's fiscal year begin?
1712Plz Give the Inventry Accounting Procedure 1.Domestic Purchases ( VAT,CST,& Excise) 2.Import Purchases ( Direct Expences & Excise ) 3.When Will the Price Diffrence Entry Happen? 4.Cash Discount & Trade Discount On Purchases? 5.Domestic Sales ( VAT,CST,& Excise) 6.Export Sales ( Customes ,Excise ) 7.Cash Discount & Trade Discount On Sales?
2912Should I deduct TDS for Dyeing Charges in Garments Industry? If yes what is the percentage under which group it will come?
3 13214Post New Accounting AllOther Questions
Why in a cash book receipts are debited while the same if received in our books recepits are credited. Why does cash book have a rule to debit receipts and credit payments. For example if am paying the cash that i owe the company or firm i debit in my books(cash) on the debit side and should credit in the cash book but i cant do that cash book take receipts on the debit side as per the general . please clarify many thanx in advance
explain the difference between LIFO and FIFO?
The Closing stock balance on the cr side of Tarding Proft and Loss A/c due to this our revenue so when we isued the material or used in production then whats happen with closing stock(I think Closing Stock will dr after Isuabce/use materil in Production)if its correct tell me
How will be prepare invoice in tally, please tell me step by step
What is the due date for filing monthly & annual sales tax returns in karanataka
What do mean by Computerization of accounts
What is the Branch Accountant Responsbilities ?
explain sales/purchase accounting?
What is SOX
when apply for ragistred in central excise no
what are the difference between banking institutions and financial institutions?
We are a education institute based in chennai.if i purchase a product in chennai and i transfer it to our branch which is in bangalore. we don't have tin nos,Sales tax nos, cst nos. We have only service tax nos. what is the procedure.