Accounting AllOther Interview Questions
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A worker has time rate of Rs. 15/hr. He makes 720 units of a component (standard time 5 minutes/unit in a week of 48 hours). His total wages including Rowan bonus for the week is _____. A. Rs. 792; B. Rs. 820; C. Rs. 840; D. Rs. 864.

2 11040

Zee Ltd. uses material—A for the production of Product M. The safety stock of material A is 300 units; the supplier quotes a delivery delay of two or three weeks. If the company uses 500 to 800 units a week according to the activity levels, the re–order level of material–A will be A. 2300 units; B. 2400 units; C. 2700 units; D. 28 units.

1 2879

In activity based costing, costs are accumulated by A. Cost objects; B. Cost benefit analysis; C. Cost pool; D. None of the above.


4 20479

what are the types of leasing and their accounting entries?

2 8571

What is the difference between TIN no. and CST no.?

4 90287

accounting principals

3 4556

Why Copyrights,patents,goodwill etc.etc. falls under real account and not nominal or personal account? I know anything which affect trading & Profit & Loss accounts are nominal accounts.And the above do not affect the Trading or P/L accounts but on the other hand they are intangible and neither can they fall under real accounts as Real accounts are those that are not personal and they are tangible. Again in another way if we see, Patents, Copyright ,Goodwill etc. etc. kindoff acts as a representative of a person or a company like in the same way as a Bank or Company name,so they can they not fall under Personal Account??

1 12006

please explain the uses of internate protocol address(ip add)?


Define elaborately what is DIVIDEND

2 4010

A company staff's visa procedure's expenes are treated as indirect expense or not. please give the journal entry and tally posting.

2 3793

sale tax which place effected

1 3118

we calculate appreciation for asset what is it?


4 5581

what is different between LC's and BG's


1 9328

On 01-04-2006 Mr. Dhanpal started business with Rs.2,00,000 cash and opened a bank account with Rs.1,50,000. He purchased furniture for his business for Rs.25,000. Goods were bought from Deendayal for Rs.50,000 on credit. He sold goods for Rs.27,000 in cash and 30,000 on credit. He paid Rs. 2,500 for business expenses during April month. Rs. 10,000 was withdrawn for office purposes from the bank. Find out the closing balance of cash and bank.

13 14834

1)What will be the journal entry for these? a) Salary paid to Ganesh b)Sum of Rs 200 realized for sale of old furniture 2)Goods sold on credit for Rs 100

3 7858

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plz send all previous question papers for SBI clerical post.My email id is


Erection and Instalation charges of Rs 7500 to Lift was debited to repairs and maintenance account. Rectify it


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What is the accounting treatment for finance lease in lessee's viewpoint?


what is the meaning of (PDD’s, DOD’s, CFR’s,) based on understanding of the business process


Indian Iran Gas pipeline


what are the important steps to take during the conversion of an accounting system.


What is the treatment of Capital Work in Progress as per the International Accounting Standards.