C Interview Questions
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write a program in c to find out the sum of digits of a number.but here is a condition that compiler sums the value from left to right....not right to left..

1 2618

Write a program to maintain student’s record. Record should not be available to any unauthorized user. There are three (3) categories of users. Each user has its own type. It depends upon user’s type that which kind of operations user can perform. Their types and options are mentioned below: 1. Admin (Search Record [by Reg. No or Name], View All Records, Insert New Record, Modify Existing Record) 2. Super Admin (Search Record [by Reg. No or Name], View All Records, Insert New Record, Modify Existing Record, Delete Single Record) 3. Guest (Search Record [by Reg. No or Name], View All Records) When first time program runs, it asks to create accounts. Each user type has only 1 account (which means that there can be maximum 3 accounts). In account creation, following options are required: Login Name: <6-10 alphabets long, should be unique> Password: <6-10 alphabets long, should not display characters when user type> Confirm Password: Account Type: Login Name, Password and Account Type should be stored in a separate file in encrypted form. (Encryption means that actual information should be changed and Decryption means that Encrypted information is changed back to the actual information) If any of the above mentioned requirement(s) does not meet then point out mistake and ask user to specify information again. When Program is launched with already created accounts, it will ask for user name and password to authenticate. On successful authentication, give options according to the user’s type.


main() { int i = 10; printf(" %d %d %d \n", ++i, i++, ++i); }

TCS, Vector,

10 38825

c language interview questions & answer


What is the difference between realloc() and free()

1 2908

int a=20; int b=30; int c=40; printf("%d%d%d"); what will be the output?


5 7086

input any 4 digit number and find the difference of all the digits?


3 3794

Write an algorithm for implementing insertion and deletion operations in a singly linked list using arrays ?



What is the purpose of the following code? Is there any problem with the code? void send(int count, short *to, short *from) { /* count > 0 assumed */ register n = (count + 7) / 8; switch (count % 8) { case 0: do { *to = *from++; case 7: *to = *from++; case 6: *to = *from++; case 5: *to = *from++; case 4: *to = *from++; case 3: *to = *from++; case 2: *to = *from++; case 1: *to = *from++; } while (--n > 0); } }



what is the purpose of the following code, and is there any problem with the code? void fn(long* p1, long* p2) { register int x = *p1; register int y = *p2; x ^= y; y ^= x; x ^= y; *p1 = x; *p2 = y; }


1 3828

what is the purpose of the code, and is there any problem with the code? int f( int n, int l, int r ) { return (n << l) >> r; }


2 3432

What is the purpose of the code, and is there any problem with it? unsigned int f( unsigned n ) { return –n & 7; }


1 3208

what is the purpose of the code, and is there any problem with it. bool f( uint n ) { return (n & (n-1)) == 0; }


1 3219

what is the purpose of the code, and is there any problem with it. unsigned int v[10]; unsigned int i = 0; while (i < 10) v[i] = i++;


2 3587

Identify the operators that is not used with pointer a. && b. # c. * d. >>

2 8672

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