1.)how to find d most repeated word in a string? string ="how do you do"?? output should be do
1 20123What is the output of the program
int n=1; while(1) { switch(n) { case 1:printf("a"); n++; continue; case 2:printf("b"); n++; continue; default : printf("c"); break; } break; }
1 4763
How many keywords are there in c?
Is flag a keyword in c?
What is the difference between single charater constant and string constant?
Can you explain what keyboard debouncing is, and where and why we us it? please give some examples
What is the concatenation operator?
What are the rules for the identifier?
Why & is used in c?
What are volatile variables in c?
Explain built-in function?
What is c method?
What is the difference between local variable and global variable in c?
What is the purpose of type declarations?
What is a protocol in c?
What are the c keywords?
How can I recover the file name given an open stream or file descriptor?