C Interview Questions
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char *p="name"; printf(p);

1 1899

please help me..... please codes and flowchart plz turbo c lang po yan.....please asap response... 3. Make an astrology program. The user types in his or her birthday (month, day, and year as integer), and the program responds with the user’s zodiac sign, horoscope, and other information related to it. If the user’s birth year falls into a leap year, your program should display an appropriate message for it. NOTES: Conditional Statements: it should be with graphics


main() {int i=5; // line 1 i=(++i)/(i++); // line 2 printf("%d",i); // line 3 } output is 2 but if we replace line 2 and line 3 by printf("%d",i=(++i)/(i++)); then output is 1. Why?


1 7158

#include { printf("Hello"); } how compile time affects when we add additional header file .


Calculate the weighted average of a list of n numbers using the formula xavg = f1x1+f2x2+ ….+ fnxn where the f’s are fractional weighting factors, i.e., 0<=fi<1, and f1+f2+….+fn = 1


what is difference between null and nul in c language

2 4710

what are non standard function in c


#include int f(int,int); int main() { printf("%d",f(20,1)); return 0; } int f(int n,int k) { if(n==0) return 0; else if(n%2)return f(n/2,2*k)+k; else return f(n/2,2*k)-k; } how this program is working and generating output as 9....?

1 5043

what is the c source code for the below output? 5555555555 4444 4444 333 333 22 22 1 1 22 22 333 333 4444 4444 5555555555



what is the c source code for the below output? 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 9 9 7 6 6 6 6 6 6 9 7 5 9 7 3 2 2 5 9 7 3 1 5 9 7 3 5 9 7 4 4 4 4 5 9 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 9


what is the c source code for the below output? 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1


write a program to input 10 strings and compare without using strcmp() function. If the character of one string matches with the characters of another string , sort them and make it a single string ??? example:- str1="Aakash" st2="Himanshu" str="Uday" output:- Aakashimanshuday (please post the answer as quickly as possible)



how to multiply two number taking input as a string (considering sum and carry )


2 4324

Write a code to reverse string seperated by spaces i/p str=India is my country o/p str=aidnI si ym yrtnuoc After writing code, optimize the code

1 6295

difference between the array and linked list general difference related to memory

2 3112

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How do I get an accurate error status return from system on ms-dos?


What is a struct c#?


what is the height of tree if leaf node is at level 3. please explain


Are pointers integers in c?


What is string concatenation in c?


How many levels of indirection in pointers can you have in a single declaration?


Hai sir, I had planned to write the NIC scientific engineer exam , plz post the sample question......


What is #ifdef ? What is its application?


Explain what is the difference between far and near ?


how to capitalise first letter of each word in a given string?


What is the significance of scope resolution operator?


Which type of language is c?


What are the 5 types of inheritance in c ++?


Can you assign a different address to an array tag?


Write a program to print factorial of given number without using recursion?