C Interview Questions
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count the numbers between 100 and 300, that star with 2 and ends with 2

Mind Tree,

5 13614

wat is the difference between array and pointer?


4 4908

how to go with this?


1 2649

what is the need for main function in c?

5 6450

main() { float f1=10.5; double db1=10.5 if(f1==db1) printf("a"); else printf("b") }


2 5422

main() { static int ivar=5; printf("%d",ivar--); if(ivar) main(); }


3 10653

Program to find largest of three numbers without using comparsion operator?

3 4305

A set of N billiard balls are set on a one-dimensional table. The table is 1 meter long, set north-south with two pockets at either side. Each ball has zero width and there is no friction so it is moving with a fixed velocity of either northward or southward and bounces back in a perfect elastic collision from other balls it encounter on its way (or drop into one of the pockets). Your job is to keep track of the balls movements. Task Please write a program that gets the initial place, speed and direction of all the balls and gives the position of a specific ball after t seconds. Input The first line contains the number of scenarios. Each one of the other lines in the input contains a scenario: The first number, N, is the number of balls; followed by N pairs of numbers: the distance in centimeters from the south end of the table and the speed (positive speed meaning it moves northward); the last two numbers are the number i of the target ball you should track and the time T in seconds. Output The output is a single number for each line which is the place (distance in centimeters from the south end of the table) of the tracked ball after T seconds. Note: There is no new line character at the end of the result. Sample Input 5 1 50 1 1 1000 1 50 1 1 6 1 60 -2 1 6 2 10 1 95 -1 2 30 2 10 1 95 -1 2 60 Sample Output 100 56 48 65 70


errors in computer programmes are called


1 3080

How can I find leaf node with smallest level in a binary tree?

1 2876

why we are using semicolon at the end of printh statment


2 4416

how many errors in c explain deply



1 3835

write a programming in c language, 1 3 5 7 9 11


2 4785

nic scientist exam


1 3999

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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Why is event driven programming or procedural programming, better within specific scenario?


What is the use of bitwise operator?


List some of the static data structures in C?


What are pointers really good for, anyway?


What is getche() function?


Compare interpreters and compilers.


Write a program to reverse a linked list in c.


Does c have function or method?


What is the use of extern in c?


Apart from dennis ritchie who the other person who contributed in design of c language.


What are enumerated types?


What is indirection?


Why doesnt this code work?


write a program to reverse a every alternetive words in a string in a place. EX: Input is "this is the line of text" Output should be "shit is eht line fo text" Please any one tell me code for that.


There seem to be a few missing operators ..