C Interview Questions
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Write a C/C++ program that connects to a MySQL server and checks if the InnoDB plug-in is installed on it. If so, your program should print the maximum number of concurrent threads that the InnoDB plug-in can create.



Go through this linked list concept.While traversing through the singly linked list sometimes the following code snippet "while(head != NULL)" is used and other times "while(head->link != NULL)"is used(Here head is the pointer pointing to the first node,node has two parts data part and link part).What is the difference between head != NULL and Head->link != NULL and in which situation are they used?


1 2913

Which weighs more, a gram of feathers or a gram of gold?

2 4041

There are 8 billiard balls, and one of them is slightly heavier, but the only way to tell was by putting it on a weighing scale against another. What's the fewest number of times you'd have to use the scale to find the heavier ball?

Microsoft, TCS,

5 7547

I didn't count the ducks that I saw in line, but I do remember that one duck was in front of two ducks, another duck behind two ducks. How many ducks did I see?

2 5606

program in c to print 1 to 100 without using loop


9 9119

. Write a program to get a string and to convert the 1st letter of it to uppercase


2 5431

what is a function method?give example?


Code for calculating square root without using library function, of math.h


4 26018

main() { int a; a=++100; printf("%d",a); getch(); }

4 4614

print the palindrome numbers in between 0 to n

1 2912

write a program to reverse a every alternetive words in a string in a place. EX: Input is "this is the line of text" Output should be "shit is eht line fo text" Please any one tell me code for that.



write a c program that if the given number is prime, and their rearrangement(permute) of that number is also prime. Ex: Input is "197" is prime Output: 791,917,179 is also prime. Please any one tell me tha code for that

3 4573

void main(int n) { if(n==0) return; main(--n); printf("%d ",n); getch(); } how it work and what will be its output...............it any one know ans plz reply


What is the difference between specifying a constant variable like with constant keyword and #define it? i.e what is the difference between CONSTANT FLOAT A=1.25 and #define A 1.25


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Un-Answered Questions { C }

Explain how can I remove the trailing spaces from a string?


Can we initialize extern variable in c?


What is call by reference in functions?


Can stdout be forced to print somewhere other than the screen?


Why we write conio h in c?


What is an auto keyword in c?


Write a C/C++ program to add a user to MySQL. The user should be permitted to only "INSERT" into the given database.


Why is c called a mid-level programming language?


Write a program which returns the first non repetitive character in the string?


What is the 'named constructor idiom'?


why wipro wase


What is methods in c?


What is struct node in c?


Write a function stroverlap that takes (at least) two strings, and concatenates them, but does not duplicate any overlap. You only need to worry about overlaps between the end of the first string and the beginning of the second string. Examples: batman, manonthemoon = batmanonthemoon batmmamaman, mamamanonthemoon = batmmamamanonthemoon bat, man = batman batman, batman = batman batman, menonthemoon = batmanmenonthemoon


Define C in your own Language.