C Interview Questions
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how can i include my own .h file EX:- alex.h like #include, rather than #include"alex.h"

1 2634

how i m write c program 1.check prime number 2.prime number series

1 3196

main() { int a,b; printf("%d,%d",scanf("%d%d",&a,&b)); } => do u mean above program's output... =>output will be:2,whatever you enter value for b. =>because scanf is a library fn which will return how many arguements it processes, and second value you are right mr.Satya but i found my self unable to understand that for the first time scanf returns the no of successful matches but how for the second time it returns the value of 'b'.while a function should return the same 'r' value every time.


1 8038

write a program which the o/p should b in such a way that s triangle if I/p is 3,a Square/rectangle if I/P=4,a pentagon if I/P=5 and so on...forget about the I/P which is less than 3



write a program to find lcm and hcf of two numbers??

1 4878

1. What will be the output of the following programs. a) #include Main() { Int x=4; While(x==1) { X=x-1; Printf(ā€œ%dā€,x); --x; } }


7 7593

what are threads ? why they are called light weight processes ? what is the relation between process and threads ?

1 2498

what is difference between userlevel threads and kernel level threads ?what are the trades offs between these two approaches ? what approach is most frequently used and why ?

1 5023

What is that continue statement??

4 4194

find the minimum of three values inputted by the user

3 4958

write a program that accepts 3 numbers from the user. dispaly the values in a descending order.

3 5445

Read the following data in two different files File A: aaaaaaaadddddddd bbbbbbbbeeeeeeee ccccccccffffffff File B: 11111111 22222222 33333333 By using the above files print the following output or write it in the Other file as follows aaaaaaaa11111111dddddddd bbbbbbbb22222222eeeeeeee cccccccc33333333ffffffffffff


is forign key will be unique key any table or not?

2 3061

can we declare a variable in different scopes with different data types? answer in detail


3 4048

An array name contains base address of the array. Can we change the base address of the array?

NMIMS, Wipro,

4 12125

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c program to compute AREA under integral


What does %d do?


#include main() { enum _tag{ left=10, right, front=100, back}; printf("left is %d, right is %d, front is %d, back is %d",left,right,front,back); }


What is the package for freshers(Non IIT) in amazon(hyderabad). And what is the same for those who are a contract employee.


What is a node in c?


How can I call fortran?


What's the best way of making my program efficient?


What does the error 'Null Pointer Assignment' mean and what causes this error?


What is oops c?


What is table lookup in c?


how to write optimum code to divide a 50 digit number with a 25 digit number??


Is linux written in c?


How do you use a 'Local Block'?


Explain what is the concatenation operator?


Can a variable be both static and volatile in c?