If a=1 or 2 or 3 NEXT SENTENCE ELSE move a to b. a) if A not = 1 or 2 or 3 move A to B b) if not A = 1 and 2 and 3 move A to B c) if A Not = 1 and 2 and 3 move A to B d) if A NOT = 1 or NOT=2 or NOT =3 move A to B
2 7289Total no of bytes in the following 01 rec-1 02 first-group 03 a1 pic x(4). 03 a2 pic 99. 02 second-group redefines first-group. 03 A3 pic999. 03 A4 pic 999. 02 third-group. 03 A5 occurs 5 times pic 99. A)22 B)16 C)12 D)10
3 7058Determine the total no of bytes in the following 01 rec1 . 02 a pic x(6). 02 b redefines a. 03 c occurs 6 times pic 9. 02 d occurs 4 times. 03 e pic x(5). 03 f pic 999. a)38. b)44 c)14 d)32
3 8146subscripting can be said as A) subscripting enables us to write a move compact code in the procedure division. B) subscripting enables us to refer to any element of a table by the same data name with the facility of identifying a particular element through the values of subscript. C) Subscripting reduces the no of entries to be included in the data division D) subscripting enables us to use loops in the procedure division
1 493401 A 02 B occurs 10 times 03 C pic 999. 03 D occurs 15 times 04 E pic 999. 04 F occurs 20 times 05 G pic XXX. 05 H pic 99. Determine the total no of byte in A. A) 175 B) 15480 C) 21750 D) 9065
3 8692which one of the following cannot cause more than one execution of paragraph that may be nam in statement. A) simple perform B) perform with time C) perform until D) perform varying
3 578901 T1. 02 month-day pic x(30) value ?jan,31, feb,28, mar,31, apr,30, may,31, june, 30? 02 new-day redefines month-day occurs 6 times 03 A pic xxx. 03 B pic 99. What are the content of A(3) and B(2) respectively A)mar,31 B) Feb,28 C) 28, Mar E)Mar, 28
1 6094which of the following is not true about search verb A) every search stmt must contain the AT END clause B) any no of WHEN clause can be used with this verb C) this verb can only applied to a table which is defined with the OCCURS clause and INDEXED phases. D) WHEN condition is satisfied
2 11141which are the following verb can be used to manipulate the value of an index name A) ADD B) MOVE C) SUBTRACT D) SET
4 16001GO TO stmt which of the following is not true A) GO TO stmt is not essential in the sense that it is possible to write programs without using GO TO B) The target of the GO TO stmt being a procedure name avoiding GO TO result in a program with no procedure name C) Indiscriminate use of GO TO stmt can make the control structure program substantially complex D) Too many GO TO stmts make a program difficult to understand
2 5761DB2 is a A) data base/data communication system B) data base C) RDBMS D) Programming language
4 8235AGGREGATE function support by DB2. A) SUM & AVG B) SUM, MIN & AVG C) SUM, MAX, AVG , MIN &COUNT D) NONE
2 19192how does the defining of a stored procedure effect the size of a DB2 data base A) it increases the size of a data base B) it decreases the size of a data base C) it does not effect the size of the data base D) it changes the table space structures
2 9509what is contained in the DB2 node lock file? A) data base names B) data base users names C) license keys D) server names
5 14088which authority can be granted to group of users using the GRANT stmt? A) SYSCTRL B) SYSADM C) DBCTRL D) DB ADM
3 8952
the output from my cgi is correctly interpreted by ms internet explorer, whereas netscape navigator would display it as a plain text. What should I do to have also netscape interpreting the html output from my cgi?
What is the significance of addrspc parameter in the exec statement?
Explain difference between call and link?
What's The Percentage Free Space ?
How vsam files are read in cics pgms?
What is diff between EVAL & MOVE?
Define a junction record in idms?
Which isolation level provides highest data integrity?
What is non-conventional programs?
What is DEQ?
how to retrieve the instream data in sysin?
Explain cebr transaction commands?
Explain mdt?
What is the difference between a schema and a subschema?