Hi Im Madhuri I have 1 Year of exp in Software Testing.I was involved in manual testing of the applications.Pls let me know if you know abt any oppurtunities...Preferred location Bangalore,Mumbai,Hyderabad
10 11411what is difference between BVA and Equivalence Partitioning? For login page(UN,PW) i have requrement as characters should be Alphanumeric.how you aplly both BVA and EP.......?
3 7820Post New EDS Manual Testing Interview Questions
How we can add the css in mvc?
What is @manytoone?
As you are working with cmmi level 5 company ,can you tell me what processes you r following as QA engineer?
How many identifiers are there in c?
What is maven in java?
Explain anonymous type in c#?
What is REPO rate and reverse REPO rate
What is left join?
What are the principles of delegation?
What is android syncing?
asubmerged weir is one in which the water level on the down stream side of the weir is just at the crest level below the crest level above the crest level at stamp elevation as water surface on upstream
what is a portable component?
What is difference between primary key and unique key constraints?
How to pass parameters using testng.xml?
where can the transformer having vector group Yny0 be used??