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CSS Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is the difference between Functional testing and Unit Functionality testing?


What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?

9 14640

How is the communication with the developers for the Unit Testing?

2 4044

What are all covers for the Unit Testing ?

1 4116

What are all the things should be covered in the Unit Test cases ?

1 4666

what is mean by configuration managaement.. explain with example ?

4 6582

1.What is mean by Databasse testing ? 2.Defect Life cycle? 3. define compatibility testing with example? 4. define severiority and priority with example and who will give severiority and priority?

1 5416

1. define Database testing ? 2. define severity and priority and types with example?

2 10594

What is difference between web based testing and windows based testing ?

4 27605

what are things you want to check in web based testing?

3 5918

security testing what are the things you want to check in security testing ?

1 2819

Difference between spiral model and proto type in sdlc?

4 10982

what is mean by Performance Related Testing in data base?


define Testing of Procedure, Triggers and Functions in data base testing ?


What is mean by sdlc and expalin spiral model and proto type model?

1 8995

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Un-Answered Questions

Where is run located in windows 10?


How do I sync outlook with outlook com?


What is package and main advantages?


What are the steps through which democratic countries select their politician?


Where is dhtml used?


What is Distributed Cache?


What are the advantages and disadvantages of B-star trees over Binary trees?


Hi, I have 9backlogs in btech and i am 2008 passed out,am working with an MNC from past 3, am willing to do MS, will it be any problem for me?


Do you hold any agile certification? Why did you choose this certification?


All other things being equal, if you've set a maximum cpc bid of $1.00 for your ads, and if the next most competitive bid is $0.50 for the same ad position, what is the actual amount you'd pay for that click?


What are the advantages of mysap crm over r/3?


1) How do we change language in SAP GUI ? 2) How do we change Language in Transactions? 3) what is ic webclient launcher? 4) what is followup document ? difference between contract & quotatiom ? 5) what is use of abap workbech (trx;- SE80) What do we do in this as functional consultatnt? use of Trx - SE80.


What is the use of web xml in struts2?


How do you give functions private variables that retain their values between calls?


how to calculate the power factor when instantaneous voltage and current has harmonics in it ?