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CSS Manual Testing Interview Questions
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What is the difference between Functional testing and Unit Functionality testing?


What is the difference between unit testing and functionality testing ?

9 15014

How is the communication with the developers for the Unit Testing?

2 4261

What are all covers for the Unit Testing ?

1 4212

What are all the things should be covered in the Unit Test cases ?

1 4769

what is mean by configuration managaement.. explain with example ?

4 6756

1.What is mean by Databasse testing ? 2.Defect Life cycle? 3. define compatibility testing with example? 4. define severiority and priority with example and who will give severiority and priority?

1 5547

1. define Database testing ? 2. define severity and priority and types with example?

2 10787

What is difference between web based testing and windows based testing ?

4 27846

what are things you want to check in web based testing?

3 6074

security testing what are the things you want to check in security testing ?

1 2909

Difference between spiral model and proto type in sdlc?

4 11186

what is mean by Performance Related Testing in data base?


define Testing of Procedure, Triggers and Functions in data base testing ?


What is mean by sdlc and expalin spiral model and proto type model?

1 9091

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the basic criterion for one qualification to be an alternative for another qualification?


Write code to read the records from a file and load any array of size 99?make sure that you take care of all the error conditions?


Explain autonomous transaction.


How do I save a xml file?


Where is windows explorer located on my computer?


Why is TensorFlow the most preferred library in Deep Learning?


Name the deputy governor of india?


What are the vital benefits of running tomcat as service?


Explain the purpose of different record methods?


what's the best movie you've seen in the last year?


Name few concurrent collection classes?


Where can the metastore database be hosted?


"Gates of the dams are generally designed of curved shape". Why?


How will you print the contents of a file?


Where will user management be done?