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CS Interview Questions
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where is the bw reporting details are availble(web sites,pdfs)

2 7521

tell me infoobject errors?

1 7438

The Indian Constitution is in structure (a) federal (b) unitary (c) rigid (d) partly unitary partly federal

5 10700

what is the advantage of function pointer

16 69483

Which of the following units of the Department of Atomic Energy takes care of entire requirement of Uranium Oxide Fuels and Zirconium alloy components for the nuclear power reaction in India? 1 Heavy Water Board 2 Nuclear Power Corporation 3 Nuclear Fuel Complex 4 None of these

11 12105

What is the diferrence between a balance sheet and a capital account????

5 16066

What is the difference between single point tax and value added tax?

3 21016

How many steps we can overide in the proc's?

2 6195

How to retain the Duplicates in the one records?

3 8565

What is difference between Step Up Transformer & Booster Transformer? can we used instead of any one?

2 16217

In inline " expression passed as argument are evalauated once " while in macro "in some cases expression passed as argument are evaluated more than once " --> i am not getting it plz help to make me understand....


Is there thumb rule to calculate how many Insulators to be used for Transmission line of different volatges

3 5373

What do you mean by Prelimnery Expenses ? How do you Account for? Can it be Written Off? How?


if neutral earthing is weak of a system then how can we improve it ? Technically explanation ??

1 4294

What is Test Data ? Explain

5 8974

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Un-Answered Questions

What are the uses of psstatus table?


How can you add gradients to your project?


Does blue crystal require coding?


Which operator is used to combine string values in php?


Define what is meant by small signal amplifier?


When will you not automate testing?


Prove that the function defined in example 24 is differentiable at (0,0).


Discuss about advatages and limitations of powder metallurgy.


Give the range for the following six values 2, 7, 11, 19, 25, 33


How do you compile the source code with your compiler?


How do I configure WebSphere Application Server with firewalls or to use a management network?


What is speed mode?


Why spring is a framework?


Does python have a switch-case statement?


Differentiate between class and structure.