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CS Interview Questions
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where is the bw reporting details are availble(web sites,pdfs)

2 7817

tell me infoobject errors?

1 7608

The Indian Constitution is in structure (a) federal (b) unitary (c) rigid (d) partly unitary partly federal

5 11102

what is the advantage of function pointer

16 70618

Which of the following units of the Department of Atomic Energy takes care of entire requirement of Uranium Oxide Fuels and Zirconium alloy components for the nuclear power reaction in India? 1 Heavy Water Board 2 Nuclear Power Corporation 3 Nuclear Fuel Complex 4 None of these

11 12877

What is the diferrence between a balance sheet and a capital account????

5 16432

What is the difference between single point tax and value added tax?

3 21328

How many steps we can overide in the proc's?

2 6458

How to retain the Duplicates in the one records?

3 9047

What is difference between Step Up Transformer & Booster Transformer? can we used instead of any one?

2 16515

In inline " expression passed as argument are evalauated once " while in macro "in some cases expression passed as argument are evaluated more than once " --> i am not getting it plz help to make me understand....


Is there thumb rule to calculate how many Insulators to be used for Transmission line of different volatges

3 5645

What do you mean by Prelimnery Expenses ? How do you Account for? Can it be Written Off? How?


if neutral earthing is weak of a system then how can we improve it ? Technically explanation ??

1 4476

What is Test Data ? Explain

5 9355

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Un-Answered Questions

What is the purpose of dll?


What is the order type for breakdown maintenance?


What is deploy mode in spark?


In how many ways we can create ports?


Assume that an app is not in foreground but is still executing code. In which state will it be in?


Tell me how can you switch back from a frame?


You want to see if you have a queue in ebp, how will you do it?


What is text-overflow property used in css3?


What is definition of a cash float in accounting?


Explain compare reports?


Please explain what are backlinks?


When to use asynctask?


why using transformer and thyristor switch in 3 phase apfc panel


What is plm (product lifecycle management) in sap pp?


Explain the encapsulation principle.