I have a transformer 3phase 11kv/410v and its name plate missing. now how can I judge its rated kva?
2 8980Post New Coca Cola Electrical Engineering Interview Questions
Tell me can you put a table within bootstrap panel?
What is symbolic reasoning?
Whats the difference between a computer and a server?
Explain two easy sql optimizations.
If you want to set up a one-to-one relationship between two models, you'll need to add belongs_to to one, and has_one to the other. How do you know which is which?
Hi, I am in need of interview questions from Engineers india limited in chemical engineering.if any one has kindly post it to me soon.
What are the services in angular js?
How do you play a video using html5?
How to embedded the links in mail forms
What are the various kinds of the hash file?
what is outgoing mail server (smtp)?
What is css box model?
1. What is maximum permissible distance between smoke detectors ? 2. How do we decide number of smoke detectors required in a large office, warehouse, hall etc ? 3. What should be maximum height of smoke detectors ? 4. Where do we use heat detector, optical smoke detector, temperature sensitive detector ?
Explain automatic payment program configuration? : fi- accounts payable
When would you say that an app is not in a running state?