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CitiGroup C Interview Questions
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main() { int x=20,y=35; x = y++ + x++; y = ++y + ++x; printf("%d %d\n",x,y); }

27 92713

main() { char *p1="Name"; char *p2; p2=(char *)malloc(20); while(*p2++=*p1++); printf("%s\n",p2); }

4 9992

main() { int x=5; printf("%d %d %d\n",x,x<<2,x>>2); }

11 46902

main() { char *ptr = "Ramco Systems"; (*ptr)++; printf("%s\n",ptr); ptr++; printf("%s\n",ptr); } Find the Outputs?

9 20641

#include main() { char s1[]="Ramco"; char s2[]="Systems"; s1=s2; printf("%s",s1); } Find the output

5 13890

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CitiGroup C Interview Questions

Un-Answered Questions

what happens in the short circuited secondary transformer,if the resistance of the short circuit is increased gradually?


can u write some high level scenarios on ms outlook express


State two of your weaknesses.


What are different techniques for making hash function?


I have deleted a file from recycle bin but I want to use that file how can I restore that file? I have already used system restore for the same but the file could not berestore?


Name the welding tools used in workshop?


What are the various clauses of term loan agreement?


What is instance variable objective c?


When we create a pf and did not fill up maint parameter, then by default which access path will the system take & why?


I am trying to implement sorting facility from client side code in GridView Control. So how can I fill up an Array inside client side code (using JavaScript), i want to assign my DataSet object declared and filled up on Server side(in code behind) to the array (on client side)


What is naive bayes classifier?


What is alzheimer’s disease?


How to hide directory browsing in wordpress from server using .htaccess file?


what are the properties and different types of sub-queries? : Sql dba


What is the curse of dimensionality? Can you list some ways to deal with it?